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New here...Merkur 38c or 39c for a newbie?

Just signed up here today.......hard to believe there is a forum for shaving haha, but it's cool that there is. I've been using a Mach 3 turbo razor for a very long time, and comments on a video of the Gillette fusion led me to another youtube video tutorial on shaving the old fashioned way, and I'm thoroughly convinced that the way I've been doing it is a joke, especially when I really don't get that close of a shave.

Anyway, my research has led me to the decision of getting either the Merkur 38c or 39c. They both get good reviews,and I'm a a big guy with really big hands, so they both seem appropriate for that reson, and the reviews on the closesness of the shave seem great as well. So, anyone think my decision is a good one, for switching over to this type of razor from what I've been doing, or any reason(s) why it isn't......or other suggestions?? Any feedback greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Welcome to B&B. Most of us here probably switched to DE from cartridge, so of course your decision is a good one. It's a big learning curve from your mach 3 so don't expect immediate great shaves. Stick with one razor until you get the technique down and watch and re-watch those Mantic59 shaving videos on youtube. Also lots of good advice here on B&B. After many, many years of shaving, I'm finally enjoying it.
Maybe you should start with a vintage Gillette Tech because it permits mistakes. The slant (39C) requieres a better technique that the 38C. This one is very recommended for the newbies.

Only tree roules: 1) Prepare your skin conscientiously. 2) Concentration. 3) Don't pressure, only the razor must do the job.

Finally don't forget the mantic's videos. It has helped me a lot five months ago.
I thought the 38C was just ok for me - BUT - I have small hands. Sounds like it might be a good match for you.

Get a slant - but only after you are comfortable with the 38C.
Well, thanks for the welcome, and for the replies! Seems like there are people in favor of both of my choices. I might add that I plan on getting an inexpensive badger hair brush to start, like maybe this one http://www.amazon.com/Tweezerman-2801-h-Mens-Shaving-Brush/dp/B000G647Y8/ref=pd_sbs_hpc_2
and thinking of maybe this soap http://www.amazon.com/Proraso-Eucal...ef=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1263529970&sr=1-3
or just one of the Van Der Hagen Premium Shave Sets from Walmart, Anything wrong with any of this to start?
In this economy I'm really watching my money, but I don't want to mess around at all with the razor, and I'd like to buy just one, and keep it that way, if that's a good idea. That being said, I noticed a couple of you feel the 38c is better to start with, and then maybe switch to the 39c later. I'd like to try and avoid that, with as few problems as possible, hopefully, so If I go right for the 39c, will I just have a longer learning curve, is that the main reason or?? Maybe I'd be just as well off with the 38c permanently, I don't know. I know I'm leaning towards the 39c, just based on several reviews saying it's the best, but everyone has a different opinion. I really appreciate the feedback, and am looking forward to this new system! I know I will save money in the long run, and get a better shave, after I get it mastered.
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The VDH brush smells bad and sheds a lot of hair. I'd go with the Tweezerman one.
that I plan on getting an inexpensive badger hair brush to start,
I did that too, buying the $25-30 Omega 63171. It wasn't bad, but less than 2 months later I got a Rooney 3/1. I couldn't believe the difference. A good brush is definitely worth the money if you stick with DE.
I own a 38C, and I love it. A really sturdy razor, and the barber pole design gives a surprising amount of grip. If you do purchase a 38C, I would recommend a blade sampler pack... I did not find the Merkur blades to be exemplary.

Good luck, and welcome. Also, you might want to consider a styptic pencil, just incase.

Just wanted to suggest a set, as it will come with everything you need to get started
Vintage Blades 38C Set

It includes the 38C, a shaving mug, a Rooney Pure Badger Brush and...
Vintage Blades said:
A 10-pack of Merkur double edge razor blades
A blade safe for the safe and hygienic disposal of your used razor blades
An acrylic drip stand for your shaving brush (upgradable)
A 2-1/4 oz bar of "World Famous" Col. Conk shaving soap in the fragrance of your choice.
And a styptic pencil for that first shaving nick (Ouch!)

You can upgrade some of the items if you like for an additional fee.
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+1 styptic pencil

Costs < $2 (my area anyway) and even if you rarely use it it's nice to have. Sooner or later you're going to want to test the limits of what your face can handle and you'll use it then.

Plus when you're starting out mistakes are an unavoidable part of the process anyway.

I also highly recommend witch hazel. I seem to be the WH fanboy around here though :)
+2 on the styptic pencil

Good AS balm or splash

When I started I read all the glowing reviews of the 34C and bought one. Turned out it was a bit too aggressive for me, because my technique was not up to the razor. I reverted to an old Gillette Tech and stuck with that until I had the technique down and then moved up. Now the 34C is quite nice-the 38C is just the longer handled version.

I also used some Proraso cream when I started without a brush- wet hands and squishing. The Kiss My Face is a different, but equally effective alternative.

Just some thoughts for you.


B&B's Man in Italy
I regularly use the Merkur 38c and I truly love it.
This razor is wonderful under every aspect: right weight and balance, great grip and beautiful look.
It is rock solid built and seems it's going to last a life-time.
A superb razor for a premium quality shave.
If your choice is for this one, you won't be disappointed.
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The VDH brush smells bad and sheds a lot of hair. I'd go with the Tweezerman one.

I bought the VDH set at Walmart and It was by far the best deal in shaving. The brush didn't smell great out of the box but after a few rinses (and a couple shaves) it has no distinguishable smell. It does lose more hair than other brushes, and I hear the quality isn't totally consistent, but for under $10 you can't go wrong. The VDH Deluxe soap is a great place to start and doesn't have a strong fragrance.

Welcome to wetshaving!

Get both, you probably will want to eventually anyway. :thumbup1:
I think to start with use the 38C. It is a great razor and I still use mine even though it was the razor I started off with. The 39C has the blade exposed more at a part, this is the part that you will need to handle with care but if you do so correctly you will get a very very very close shave. Now to put it into perspective here ---->

38C - very very close shave (2 passes WTG - with the grain)
39C - very very very close shave (2 passes WTG)
Mach 3 or Fusion - shave, nothing close or very close about these shaves.

After a Mach 3 or Fusion shave (2 passes WTG) I almost need to reshave about 5 hours later. With the DE i'm smooth at least for the whole day.

One tip I used when I was learning was to do a pass or two with the DE then clean up with the Fusion to make it decent. After a while you won't need the Fusion at all. If you do this you can just outright get the 39C and if you shave really slowly and carefully you will be fine.

Get both, you probably will want to eventually anyway. :thumbup1:

Well, what I want, and what my budget will allow are 2 different things, haha! I really do want to just cut to the chase, so to speak, and try to choose just one. Money is real tight right now, and my research has shown that the initial investment is a little pricey, but I know it will be worth it in the long run. I was told the 39c is a little better suited for people with thick beards. I'm going to break my "shave every 3 or 4 day habit, and start shaving every day, or every other day at most. I was looking at the Futur as well.......as If I'm not already overwhelmed by the options lol!

Thanks very much for all the feedback everyone!
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If budget is an issue, have you considered the Merkur HD (I think 34C)?
It is a great little razor that will give you a good feel of what shaving with a DE is like. If/when you know you like DE's then get the 39C and Futur. You've got a lifetime of shaves to come so don't rush the learning part.

It's a great feeling shaving with a sharp blade, and the results are exceptional if you keep it simple and don't complicate things.

You'll get great support here.

Go for the 38C, skip the 39. The 38 yields an outstanding shave, and is a better razor to learn with (than the slant). If on a tight budget, look for a Gillette Super Speed or Schick Krona.

I personally think the Slant is overrated.


Go for the 38C, skip the 39. The 38 yields an outstanding shave, and is a better razor to learn with (than the slant). If on a tight budget, look for a Gillette Super Speed or Schick Krona.

I personally think the Slant is overrated.

Good point. A superspeed is much better to learn with and costs about half even in good condition. Also if you decide to sell, the value does not go down. You buy a vintage razor, then sell one. With Merkur, you buy new and then sell at least at a 30% loss. When you are not sure what you like better to have less loss with the sale. I guess some just can't get around the used factor.
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