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New Chubby 2 Super Pictures

Looks like this will be a great brush. Thanks to everyone who has posted in my original thread for helping me come to this decision!



I used it today and it feels so smooth relative to my EJ best badger. Definitely a nice luxury if you can swing it!

I have one question though. How much longer do you find yourself loading this brush vs. your other brushes? I expected to load this one a bit more because it's new and it needs to break in plus it has a ton more hair to spread the soap through. Some other comments on this subject would be useful.

Lastly here are the pictures everyone is requesting.

Post bloom pictures:


Very nice brush. I have a Chubby 2 in best and find that it takes a good bit more product due to the density.
That is a thing of beauty. I have a goatee, so it's not for me. But I can still admire beautiful things that I will not have.


B&B's Man in Italy
Sir, the Chubby (in any size and grade of hair) is an avid soap eater. Expect to use a lot more product. But also expect to get a lot more luxurious lather. :thumbup1:
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