I was in my least favorite WM this evening, and noticed a glass bottle of blue-colored Brut. Unfortunately the bottle was in Spanish, and my terrible Spanish is rusty. Anyone have idea what it was? What does it smell like?
My Wal-Mart has a Brut in a glass bottle as well. It is called Brut Attitude. Interesting enough, the bottle itself is blue, and the aftershave is actually clear!!
To my nose it smells like the discontinued Brut Revolution.
However, Brut Revolution didn't have any menthol, and this product has some (but nowhere near the menthol blast of regular Brut, Aqua Velva, Skin Bracer, or Barbasol Pacific Rush).
Did it look like this:
Brut Revolution
Interesting. I didn't have enough time to inspect the bottle closely, so I didn't realize that is was the bottle that was blue. I was impressed with the glass bottle, and noticed "Nuevo!" emblazoned across the top.
I did notice that the price was about twice that of regular Brut.
Nope. It was shaped like a regular bottle of Brut. The bottle was a deep blue.
It was about $8 at my Wal-Mart. I purchased it only for the slick glass bottle; the aftershave is pleasant, but nothing spectacular to my nose. It will be refilled soon with something that I find to be more pleasant.
Since Barbasol Pacific Rush is blue, and has menthol as well, it seems like it could find a good home in the brut bottle.
This product correct? I didn't notice the Spanish labeling on it when I purchased mine, and have since removed the stickers from the bottle.