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New Blade needs a hone

Hi all,

newbie here. Just bought myself a Giesen & Forsthoff 6/8 "the Bismark". Beautifully presented razor, but alas I read the not so good reviews after I'd ordered it.

Received the razor and it's no where near shave ready, even after plenty of stropping. So I'm going to hone it.

Would a 4k/8k whetstone be enough for a new edge? Or should I be getting a 1k as well?

If it is a newly manufactured G&F, then I'm not sure it will take an edge. Welcome to B&B, I'm sure others will be along shortly to help sort this out.
I've shot off an email to G&F and also the vendor who sold me the blade. I've got half a mind to go and buy a DOVO today just so I don't have to deal with a poor blade
I'm not a G&F expert, but my understanding is yes to both. Vintage G&F blades are legit razors BTW.
hmm well I shall await the manufacturers reply. In the meantime however I got a Kasumi 3k/8k stone and gave it a quick hone. Better but still not there.
Have you ever honed before? If it's a new blade you will need to make sure the bevel is set using a 1k hone. Only until you are sure that the bevel is set, don't move on to the higher grit stones.
Have you ever honed before? If it's a new blade you will need to make sure the bevel is set using a 1k hone. Only until you are sure that the bevel is set, don't move on to the higher grit stones.

You can set a bevel on 3k. It will take a while but can be done. Bevel repair will take a 1k though.

If you end up keeping the G&F, I would highly recommend sending it to someone to be honed. First off, honing is not an impossible task, but for someone who has never shaved with a straight, I don't think honing is the best place to start learning. I imagine there are plenty of members down under who could help you with this.

If you do return the razor, I would recommend buying a vintage razor thats shave ready from the BST, or if you prefer new, a Dovo from a well-esteemed vendor.

If you have further questions, please, do not hesitate to ask, that is why we are here

If you end up keeping the G&F, I would highly recommend sending it to someone to be honed. First off, honing is not an impossible task, but for someone who has never shaved with a straight, I don't think honing is the best place to start learning. I imagine there are plenty of members down under who could help you with this.

If you do return the razor, I would recommend buying a vintage razor thats shave ready from the BST, or if you prefer new, a Dovo from a well-esteemed vendor.

If you have further questions, please, do not hesitate to ask, that is why we are here

Thanks fellas!

This is my first 'proper' razor. Had a DOVO Shavette which was a revelation after shaving with nothing but cheap supermarket razors. Decided to upgrade to a 'real' straight after a couple of months of the Shavette, which I passed on to my best mate to get him into it.

I don't think I'll return the razor, I'm rather stubborn and now have the bit between my teeth. I have to make this work now!
Thanks fellas!

This is my first 'proper' razor. Had a DOVO Shavette which was a revelation after shaving with nothing but cheap supermarket razors. Decided to upgrade to a 'real' straight after a couple of months of the Shavette, which I passed on to my best mate to get him into it.

I don't think I'll return the razor, I'm rather stubborn and now have the bit between my teeth. I have to make this work now!

I saw in another thread that you decided to keep the razor and hone it yourself. It sounds like its coming along well, so keep at it.

If you've used a shavette then you know some of the basics already. Good luck!
If you'd prefer someone else to give it a go at the stones, I'm glad to hone it for you also. Pm if interested.
thanks chaps.

Went out and got a 1k stone yesterday. Now time to give it a decent lick and get this Timor shaving!

I'm enjoying this forum already
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