My Semoque 1250 and TOBS Eton College came in today. On vacation so I hadn't shaved yet today in anticipation of new goodies. Brush is really nice. Got it so I can switch off with my Semoque 1305 and give each time to dry between shaves (I shave daily). Absolutely no smell to brush at all. Same as with my 1305. Not sure if its the way Semoque treats them or what but its nice. I really like the SEMOQUE signature etched into bottom of brush. It doesn't have the fake looking black band around it, just a nice looking blonde brush with a very nice wood handle.
Did my usual prep and soaked brush in hot water for couple of minutes while I got ready. Opened up the TOBS and put a little on tips of brush. Face lathered and brush felt really nice. Almost identical to how my 1305 felt on first use and had nice backbone for face lathering. The TOBS Eton College lathered up really well, but there is a very distinctive orange scent to it. Not unpleasant at all, just different. I used my 1956 Gillette SS flare with a ASTRA SP blade. Got a really nice shave. Wasn't really trying for a BBS just a nice DFS and sort of got a little of both. My problem areas were definately DFS but on my cheeks I had a very nice smooth BBS.
Overall opinion is that the Semoque brushes are super excellent for the price. Very well made, no piggy smell and nice knot.
I really liked the lather and feel of the Eton College and once I get used to the orange scent will enjoy it immensly. Is a subtle and very refreshing scent.
Did my usual prep and soaked brush in hot water for couple of minutes while I got ready. Opened up the TOBS and put a little on tips of brush. Face lathered and brush felt really nice. Almost identical to how my 1305 felt on first use and had nice backbone for face lathering. The TOBS Eton College lathered up really well, but there is a very distinctive orange scent to it. Not unpleasant at all, just different. I used my 1956 Gillette SS flare with a ASTRA SP blade. Got a really nice shave. Wasn't really trying for a BBS just a nice DFS and sort of got a little of both. My problem areas were definately DFS but on my cheeks I had a very nice smooth BBS.
Overall opinion is that the Semoque brushes are super excellent for the price. Very well made, no piggy smell and nice knot.
I really liked the lather and feel of the Eton College and once I get used to the orange scent will enjoy it immensly. Is a subtle and very refreshing scent.
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