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Never Forget Those Who Keep You Safe At Night

As some of you may know my wife is a police officer and I was a former one. Well when she walked in the house a little bit a go I gave her an extra big hug and kiss. She got to hear what I heard twice before "officer down." One of her fellow brothers in blue was killed last night. We all know what dangers await us everyday but it is always nice to know the public cares. Give your loved ones a big hug good morning or good night because you never know when our Father will be calling for us.

Keep up the fight for good.

Officer Killed
My father was a police officer and because of my job, the police here treat me like one of them. I still wear a mourning band and display a black ribbon whenever an officer is killed. It is a loss to the whole community and is felt nationwide. I am very sorry.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Notions of old Tombstone aside, I always think of Arizona as a peaceful place.

Sad story.
That's terrible. I have a lot of respect for police, firemen, military personnel, etc. who put themselves in harms way every day so the rest of us can be safe.
At the academy, there is a fountain with the names of all the fallen. As cadets, we polished it once a week. We knew the significance of the names there, but never knew the people. Now when I am there, I see the names of friends on it. I will pray for your wife and the Lts. family. Larry
It's always important to remember those who put their lives on the line for us; thanks for the post. Give our best to the family and your wife.
As far as I am concerned, anyone who kills a law enforcement officer if/when convicted should receive the death penalty. If/when in the apprehension of that individual "Gunpowder Justice" should occur it is "good riddance" to "bad rubbish" and also saves the taxpayers the cost of trying, feeding, clothing, sheltering the human debris.
Prayer sent. What a tragedy. Glad to know that you and your wife are safe. As a firemedic, LEOs are my heroes. They're the ones who protect us on-scene.

Thank you for everything,
Just got back from dropping flowers at the station. What a nightmare all day, wife has been a wreck. I can't believe how bad the community has taken this.

Gilbert is a fantastic city and has been in the top 20 of safest cities a few years in a row now which is a huge reason we moved to this particular city to get away from the hustle and bustle of CA.

Thank you all for your kind words.
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My condolences to all involved.

I feel this an appropriate forum for me to weigh in as it hits especially close to home for me, on more than one level. Primarily, "Never forget those who keep you safe at night."

Last Saturday night, my wife and I were awakened by a loud rapping on the door at 4am. In a sleepy haze, we were on edge as we approached the door, our 12 month old son asleep in his room. By the time we made it to the door, whoever was knocking was gone. We peer out the window and see a scene from CSI. Immediately, we contact the local Police station; they instantly send an officer to our door. We were informed the loud knocking heard previously was an officer there to ask if we'd heard anything but most importantly to ensure we were OK. A man had been stabbed in front of our dwelling and another man was in jail. By morning, the tape had been taken down and the pools of blood cleaned up.

Those who keep us safe at night are greatly appreciated.

I live and work in Tempe, AZ. I have many friends and co-workers who live in Gilbert.

AZ Mark, let me know if there's anything you need. I'm right down the road.
That's terrible. I have a lot of respect for police, firemen, military personnel, etc. who put themselves in harms way every day so the rest of us can be safe.

I second that. I wish the men and women in these fields were paid a much higher salary for the wonderful jobs they do to protect all of us. On the same note sometimes I think if these jobs paid an acceptable salary for the requirements of the job there may be more people doing them for money rather than the salary. My best friend of 30+ years is a police officer and her husband is a detective and they both lost several friends last year alone in shootings.


My elbows leak
Staff member
God Bless those that watch over us in the night so we can sleep peacefully in our beds.
Our prayers go out to the Family of this Officer, and to the friends he left behind.
If you're a Law Enforcement Officer, a Firefighter or any of those who stand between us and the danger that lurks around every corner, my thanks to you, I sincerely appreciate your valiant efforts.
As a former LEO I can't express my condolences enough for the officer and his family. It is a sad day when an everyday hero loses to the bad guys. It makes me angry. Criminals are ultimately cowardly individuals and deserve nothing but the worst the justice system can give them. That said, I can't say I'd shed a tear if they had not been taken into custody alive.
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