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Neutrogena Shaving cream

I was at the store today and was tempted to buy it. It had a very moustirizing feel. Do Any of you use this stuff or have tried it before?
Ive tried it and dont really care for it, but for the price you need to try it for yourself or you will always wonder.
I have never seen it but I would buy it and try it in a flash. My experiences with other Neutrogena products are all very positive.
I have never seen it but I would buy it and try it in a flash. My experiences with other Neutrogena products are all very positive.

that's what I was thinking. Neutrogena soap kept those monster zits at bay in my adolescence.
Yea you can never go wrong with any of their products:thumbup: am sure it will be great, tells what you think...if you do decide
I think he's talking about the cream in the tube....I think it used to be in a white,blue, and black tube under the name "neutrogena razor defense" but now its in a mostly black tube. Ive used it and its the best non-lathering cream ive tried. Very slick and effective against razor bumps and acne.
For the price tag it has , it provides a pretty decent shave. I was able to shave with the grain and against the grain without any irritation. The only drawback is it doesn't moisturize the face. Considering that i have been using the high ranges such as osmium, zirh and men science , i am really happy with the performance of neutrogena having cream.

IMO it is more than the moneys worth.
I was at the store today and was tempted to buy it. It had a very moustirizing feel. Do Any of you use this stuff or have tried it before?

I used to use it back when I used a cartridge razor and it was excellent for that. I don't know how it would be with a DE and haven't tried it. Generally, the Razor Defense line is good stuff, and I still use the face scrub daily.
Be aware, Neutrogena makes two brushless shaving creams, and both come in gray tubes that look the same except for the name on the label. One is Neutrogena Skin Clearing formula, and the other is Neutroena Sensitive Skin formula. I like the shave I got from the Skin Clearing formula, but not from the Sensitive Skin formula, which seemed thinner and less effective.
I bought the Neutrogena shaving cream and used it today. like said previously, it doesnt lather at all. It leaves a wet clear film on the face. I shave in a few spots and just washed it off only to get the brush and lather with AOS lavender soap to finish the job. The Neutrogena shaving cream is more like cleanser than a shaving cream. I might keep it to use it as that.
My teenage son likes it. He isn't patient enough to use a brush for lather yet.

I used it years ago when it contained salicylic acid (with cartridge blades, before I discovered wetshaving), but that ingredient was dropped and I didn't get the benefits from using it any more (helped me control bumps/burn/irritation) and I switched to Grandma's pure lye soap (which was better anyway).
I used the gel with my Gillette Fusion before I made the move to DE/Brushes. Found it to be very protective for my sensitive skin but still would go back in time and kick myself in the you know what for not switching sooner.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Good skin care products, reasonable price. But for pure shaving enjoyment I prefer my good ol VDH. For a cream, I go with the lime Kiss My Face. I have shaved with the Neutragena and it's okay.
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