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Need Recommendations for No-alcohol, Non-sticky Balm

I believe I need a balm after shaving to moisturize and reduce the effect of possible razor burn. Some I've tried are alcohol-based, which dry out my skin. Some without alcohol leave my face greasy or sticky. Is there a balm in the marketplace without these effects? Scent is optional.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm
i also use:
raw, organic, unrefined shea butter and Cetaphil daily moisturizer-these 2 leave u a bit greasy but they are great for razor burn.
Plain old aftershaves like Osage Rub, Ice Blue Aqua Velva, Clubman, and Florida Water work really well for me too.
I believe it is just trial and error and you must discover what works well for you.
Let us know what kind of soap you are using. Starting with a quality soap is first. Sterling is probably the most moisturizing soap out there if you can lather fairly well. Try the anise, barbershop, tuscanny scents, they will lather well and are a great start. The razorock wax balms are very good, they have alcohol but are thicker and creamy and do not burn. Get the wax balms in the glass jars not the white bottles. King Louis and Evil eye lime are nice. Grab a tub of XX soap it is one of the best soaps out there and probably the best under $10.00 in the world. Village Barber makes a great but heavily scented skin food balm that is very good also. Italianbarber.com


Now half as wise

Try Lucky Tiger. It's not a balm, but it doesn't contain alcohol. I really like it, and I'm an alcohol splash fan. They also make a cream similar to the Razorock wax, that I use on occasion, and is convenient for travel if you trasnfer some to a small container.
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Try Lucky Tiger. It's not a balm, but it doesn't contain alcohol. I really like it, and I'm an alcohol splash fan. They also make a cream similar to the Razorock wax, that I use on occasion, and is convenient for travel if you trasnfer some to a small container.

+1 on Lucky Tiger. The only problem with it is that its practically "scentless". They say it has a citrus scent but its Very weak.

Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Post Shave Balm has no alcohol and has a light, pleasant scent. It's not tacky. I'd also recommend Neutrogena's Oil Free Sensitive Facial Moisturizer. It's not a shaving balm, but I use it quite often as an aftershave treatment after too much sun over the weekend. It's a no-alcohol product; really is first-aid for the face.


Now half as wise
+1 on Lucky Tiger. The only problem with it is that its practically "scentless". They say it has a citrus scent but its Very weak.


True. I do get a clear orange scent,:thumbup: though it lasts all of about 10 seconds!
Let us know what kind of soap you are using. Starting with a quality soap is first. Sterling is probably the most moisturizing soap out there if you can lather fairly well. Try the anise, barbershop, tuscanny scents, they will lather well and are a great start. The razorock wax balms are very good, they have alcohol but are thicker and creamy and do not burn. Get the wax balms in the glass jars not the white bottles. King Louis and Evil eye lime are nice. Grab a tub of XX soap it is one of the best soaps out there and probably the best under $10.00 in the world. Village Barber makes a great but heavily scented skin food balm that is very good also. Italianbarber.com
I have yet to try the soaps you mentioned.. Actually, I'm all over the place trying this soap and that one, sometimes a stick, sometimes a cream, and sometimes both stick and cream. Mike's, Mama Bear, Irisch Moos, TOBS, and the lesser known LA Shaving Soap Co. (lather almost exploded from the jar). I haven't really used a pre-shave oil yet, but I believe I am getting good results with applying a conditioner to my face during my shower and rinse it off as I finish my showering.
I would take a look at Aubrey Organics Northwoods balm. It's more of a clearish gel than a typical white balm. It moisturizes, but isn't greasy and dries on the face nicely. The scents is a nice pine scents and lasts for a couple of hours.
Conditioner is good and Mike's is the best soap you have and a good one. I have tried more soaps than balms but you can search around. I can tell you the cheap drug store stuff and Whitch Hazel version are not going to moisturize like the better items. Look on the Italian Barber site Joe has great descriptions and choices there.
I'll keep letting people know about this one....

Go to: www.shaveplace,com.

Go into shaving products. You're looking for the aftershave soother and light moisture balm. It comes in a variety of scents, and the 8 oz. bottle lasts almost forever because the pump dispenses just what you need. I have NEVER come across anything that calms down a shave as fast and effectively as this creation from Emily Witherspoon.

Facial morphine. Honest. Give it a shot.

I find the RazoRock Wax to sometimes be a little greasy, even though only a tiny amount is needed. I'll need to look at my Speick balm to see if it has any alcohol in it.

Em's Place, Inc.! I wish I had known about the balm from this on-line retailer before I placed an order last Saturday. I would have included one of the balms. As it is, I found a multiple razor/brush stand and ordered a .25 oz. roller bar cologne (balancing scent), 2 oz. witch hazel distillate, and small containers for travel. I'll look at the balms and include home and travel sizes. Appreciate the tip.

Shavefreak, the Italian Barber has so many choices that I'll have to spend some time studying them. Do you have any particular favorites, which are not sticky and non-alcohol?

BrookR1, the Aubrey Organics Northwoods balm certainly got a lot of highly favorably reviews. This balm seems available from several sources in the U.S.A.

Thanks guys. This board is an incredible resource. One of the days when I would not be a hazard to myself or others, I'll pay it forward.
Try Balea aftershave balm. It's for sensitive skin and doesn't get greasy or sticky, it soaks into the skin and keeps your face hydrated.
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