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Need recommendation from Fendrihan store

Hey guys, christmass is coming and my wifey and I are making christmas package to go to Europe. I recently sent my brother in law and father in law shaving cream and cheap synthetic brushes. They love it and they really like the idea. But I thought that among the presents the family will get we'd include more shaving cream and maybe good entry level brush for each of them.
We're on a budget so maybe nothing bigger than $30 each. fendrihan is local and I'd rather support him, so can you take a look at his shop and recommend something ?



First, I think it's great that you are supporting Fendrihan.com; a local retailer that has treated me great over the last couple years. If you are anywhere in Canada, it should be your first choice for shopping.

Here' my two cents. If you want to stick to your price point, get:

Best Badger Shaving Brush, Faux Horn Handle $32.95

A nice simple brush. I got something similar for my first brush.

For a little more, you could get a much nicer silvertip: a good price for this quality brush.

Classic Silvertip Shaving Brush, Black Handle $55.75

Finally, this large silver tip is on sale right now. - $20 off. A great price, you would be paying hundreds for a name brand of similar size and quality.

Large Silvertip Shaving Brush with Pink Ivory Wood Handle $59.63 ($79.50)


My recommendation is to go with the last brush. It's a great deal, and will last years. Your family won't have to "upgrade" in steps.

Good luck and have a great vacation.
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