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Need razor upgrade advice

Since getting the Futur my 33c just does not have the same sparkle for me it once did. I need something that is a little more aggressive than the 33c and one that will give me a different shave than the Futur. I love the Futur but some days, well variety is good. I prefer newer razors I have not found a gillette that I am really fond of that being said any ideas guys.
This sounds like a job for an open comb like the Merkur 11c or the 25c (if you like the longer, slim handle better).
If you want a little more aggressive than the 33c and different than the Futur, maybe one of the Merkur Slants would work for you...or the very kewl old milk washed (white nickel) Hoffritz Slant if you want to go the vintage route. :001_smile

Merkur 39c Sledgehammer Slant and 37c Slant on Left (38c on right for comparison)

Hoffritz Slant
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I find your question very interesting. From the practical standpoint is there a problem with either not giving you a shave to your satisfaction? I understand the issue of variety but are you looking for razors that cut differently? Because a slant will definately shave reeeeeeal close (at least in my experience). But I unfortunately after using a Merkur 37g three or four times concluded it was just too close for real comfort. Now I have a real first class razor that will figuratively sit in the case. I am equally guilty of wanting many toys (I mean razors) to play (I mean shave) with. I am taking this approach. I've ordered a handle from Bob's and am looking into a replacement handle from iKon. I'm reasonably pleased with the closeness of the 33c head but also have a tech, and an ej89 that I plan on rotating on these handles along with the ones they came with. This is going to give me a wide array of slightly different models that will all shave at a comfort level that I feel very good about. What do you think? bib
...I unfortunately after using a Merkur 37g three or four times concluded it was just too close for real comfort. Now I have a real first class razor that will figuratively sit in the case.

If a slant sounds good to you maybe you should PM jebib and see if he would be willing to let go of his shelved 37g...those gold ones sure looks nice! :001_smile

I have both the gold slant and the sledgehammer slant and both shave very nicely...for me at least.
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It is not giving me the shave satisfaction that I am looking for it is just a little to mellow for me.
It is not giving me the shave satisfaction that I am looking for it is just a little to mellow for me.

Mellow? You're calling the Slant, or as it's also known, :devil:Satan's Razor:devil: too mellow? LOL...or were you referring to something from jebibs post? :001_smile
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Mellow? You're calling the Slant, or as it's also known, :devil:Satan's Razor:devil: too mellow? LOL...or were you referring to something from jebibs post? :001_smile

I am referring to the 33c from my post sorry should have been a little clearer.
I am referring to the 33c from my post sorry should have been a little clearer.

Actually, after starting DE shaving with a Slant/Feather combo and using it almost exclusively for the 5 or so years since I think Slants are pretty mellow and the reputation as :devil:Satan's Razor:devil: is very much an undeserved exaggeration. The last 6 months or so of acquiring and using most of the other popular Merkurs and Gillettes for direct comparison has only confirmed it. :001_smile
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Try a Vision and with a feather in it and opened up you will get both aggression and a different feel then a Futur, I wouldn't recommend starting with it wide open though.
I am thinking that I want to try a Slant. The Vision looks sweet but is a little out of my price range. Right now I am trying out an G type injector right now and so far I like it. I think that I want an injector that is a little more agressive though.
a slant sledgehammer with a feather in it is a great choice :thumbup1:
If I am in an extreme hurry to where I have to grab a DE and need BBS too that's usually my choice as I can do in 2 passes (with new feather) what would take me at least 3 or 4 with any other DE, it's aggressive but to me it's a controlled aggression.

I got an open comb Merkur too and while it is more aggressive then a regular sledgehammer I wouldn't say by much, it is a nice razor though for when you haven't shaved in a few days -or longer and want to mow it all down at once
I don't know that the EJ would give you the "more aggressive" shave that you're describing. I have the EJ and absolutely love it, but if you're looking at something to get BBS with less than 3 passes and a touch up welcome to my world. :)

I've been experimenting with the Mergress (set to 4.5) and also tried a RedTip, but really I think the reality is spend the time on the extra passes and get the BBS shave AND extreme comfort both.

Personally my next purchase will likely be the Sledgehammer, although the Muhle 99R looks like it may be interesting as well.
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