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Need Fatboy Help

This may sound like a newbie question and I'm not trying to high jack your thread, but how do you actually adjust a Fatboy? I just received a Fatboy in decent condition (there's some minor grit in the grooves on the handle, one of the doors closes a little unevenly, and the ink has worn out of the numbers) as a high school graduation present from my grandma. I told her I was interested in razors and she gave me my grandpa's old razors. I never met him though, because he died in the early 1970s way before I was born.

I was looking at the handle, and when I try to turn the adjustment knob, it doesn't turn. Is it possibly stuck? I don't want to overtwist it for fear of breaking something. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
That'll do it! I feel a little foolish now but the problem is solved and I'm no longer worried that my razor is broken. Thanks!
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