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Need blisters advice

Hi guys,

last friday, part of my workout consisted in 5 rounds of max reps of pullups in a minute.

It destroyed my hands leaving 3 holes where used to be calluses/blisters. I cut the hanging skin and the pretty girl in charge cleaned the scars and applied some kind of spray product. It burned like hell for about 15 seconds, leaving the wounds kind of sealed.

What do you guys use for wounds like that one?

I tried to google the spray she used but had no luck. Do any of you know what it could be?

I usually just deal with it. I got those a lot when I was doing Crossfit (and looking at my hands I've got a few as we speak), and for the most part they healed up in a day or two. Just be sure to keep on top of any hanging skin and use a pumice stone or callus shaver once they get a nice callus built up. If you're going to be working out before they're healed just tape over them before you start and you should be fine.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
... the pretty girl in charge cleaned the scars and applied some kind of spray product.

I tried to google the spray she used but had no luck. Do any of you know what it could be?

If I need to find out some information, and my three options are:

  1. google
  2. ask my B&B bretheren
  3. talk to pretty girl

They sell a lot of liquid-bandage-type products that sound similar to what you're describing.

(but I also advocate talking to the pretty girl again)
I talked to the pretty girl to get the name of the spray, sadly I remember a lot of things that came out of that conversation except the name of the product I was looking for, I guess my mind was somewhere else.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Try holding the bars more with the fingers, and try not to smash the skin. YMMV of course. :)
Try holding the bars more with the fingers, and try not to smash the skin. YMMV of course. :)

Thanks for the advise, but I was doing a Crossfit WOD and the guys insisted that I do every pullup with a kipping movement.

I usually don't have skin problems with pullups but I managed to do 105 in 5 minutes, and the movement destroyed the skin just below where the fingers start.

I guess I'll have to work on my technique.
Doing a lot of pullups like you'd be doing in a WOD will tear up your hands regardless of technique. Taping the area beforehand will let you do the pullups without shearing the skin, it'll be a bit slipperier than a bare hand, but it won't tear the skin up.
I've seen spray liquid bandage that's probably what it was. I've used it before and it does burn like hell for a few seconds. Good luck with your workouts. Hope the hands heal up.
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+1 on the moleskin to protect your hands (or tape). But either way, you're probably just going to have to suck it up until they heal. When I get into a pull up routine, this usually happens. But eventually my callouses build up again and it's not too much of a problem. If there is not need for you to do the pullups barehanded, you might just try buying some cheap weightlifting gloves rather than trying to toughen up your skin.
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