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need assistance taking apart Gillette razor

Hey, everyone:

I want to take apart my 1953 SS as the tto knob is not opening the silo doors.

I thought there was a detailed post on how to take apart a Gillette but couldn't find it.

Does anyone have the link or a guide on what is the best method to take apart an SS? I've never done this before but I know it shouldn't be that hard.


There is a thread where cooncatbob shows an SS taken apart. You can see the screw easily enough, but there is no "standard" tool I know of to remove it. I simply copied ccbob's idea and ground a U in the end of a flat screwdriver. The screw is LEFT handed threads!! In other words "Righty loosey, Lefty tighty"...If you don't have a bench grinder, you can still make one easily enough with a cheap screwdriver and a file. Hope this helps. I don't have a link to the thread.:sad: here is the pic of mine.
Is the knob spinning and not opening the doors, or is it just stuck? Have you tried soaking it in scrubbing bubbles?

The knob is spinning. Definitely not stuck. I soaked it in scrubbing bubbles and also in hot soapy water but no luck.

I will go ahead and make a u-shape screwdriver as that seems the most sensible method for now.

I'll post afterward with the results.

Thanks everyone for the links and advice.

Ok. I was able to take off the screw with my home-made u-shaped screwdriver. The next I was going to do was take out the head portion by turning the tto knob; however, the tto knob is coming off completely. Is the tto knob supposed to be coming off. Shouldn't the tto knob still stay in place while I am trying to remove the head portion?

Wondering if anyone can chime in on this one?


Yes the tto knob is supposed to stay there. Somebody, I don't remember who, devised a solution to the problem of your tto knob not staying in place, and it involves a dulled down pipe cutter. However, I don't believe that will solve the problem of your unopening doors.
The shaft showing in your last picture should freely up and down in the barrel.
If it doesn't something is wrong, the barrel might be filled with petrified shaving cream.
A soak or boil might be in order.
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