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need advice with Richard Herder razor

As the title describes it. I need some help with this razor.
I found a very cheap one on the net (not Ebay), but I have never heard of it, and I have found very little info about it.

Any input will be appreciated.

Here are some pics (I know they're blurry, I have requested for additional ones)

According to the seller, the scales are not cracked, shipped, etc. The blade is in good condition, but in need of sharpening.

I have to receive confirmation about it being rust free.





PS: I really like the scales, but I know I won't be shaving with them hehe.
a quick google turned up Richard Herder as being a stolengin based razor maker, so it's likely, if the edge hasn't corroded terribly, to be a most excellent shaver

if you get it, you're gonna have to show better pictures, that etching/gold-wash looks interesting...
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