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Need Advice on Getting a Razor for a friend

I have a friend with exceedingly coarse and stiff beard. He makes the stubble on the werewolf's hair look like peach fuzz. His face kills electric shaver blades in 6 months etc (They're supposed to last 3-4 years).. He already has a DE razor (
Merkur Solingen Safety Razor, Chrome)
but he says that it takes him a bit long to shave... What should I point him towards to?
Merkur slant. Couldn't ask for a better razor for a heavy beard. Merkur Progress which is an adjustable and can be made rather aggresssive as the mood takes him. Point him to one with one of Mer's knobs on it making it a Mergress. Both great new razors. Otherwise lots of vintage stuff that can be wonderful. Gillette Red knob and Gillette Fatboys would also be at the top of my list for vintage close shavers.
Another vote for the slant. If money's no option, consider the new ikon. To be fair I haven't tried the r41. But of those I have tried (Merker hd, both old and new Gillette OCs , slim), the two slants are by far the most efficient and consistently smooth, close shave )
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