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Need advice on a starter set

I think I’m ready to give straights a try, and could use some advice on a starter set to see if straights are for me. I did a little searching on the forums and such, and saw a few recommendations for this very economical set:

Gold Dollar and Filly Strop from Ruprazor ($60)


Then I came across reference to a special deal at Straight Razor Designs. Buy a razor and get free lifetime honing. This sounds like a great value to me. Plus their razors are on sale right now. Here’s what I’m looking at there:

Dovo Best Quality Black 6/8" Straight Razor & Strop Set ($108)


Dovo Imitation Tortoise Shell 6/8" Straight Razor & Strop Set ($134)


So, what do you think? I've been at DE's a while now, and picked up a couple beat up straights in lots, and they piqued my interested. I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to straights, so I'd like to keep the cost down, but get a decent kit to start. Any advice is appreciated.
i'd go with the dovo special or the king cutter.
in my view the only reason for the gold dollar would be if you can't afford a better one and it looks like you can.
I am with Gugi in regards to the Gold Dollar. I have had decent luck with the GD but they haven't been around long enough for me to personally recommend them to somebody. Dovo, on the other hand, has a long established reputation. Lifetime honing is worth a lot over a lifetime so I would lean that direction.

I would say save the money and go with the Dovo Best. It will be a good blade and you will be satisfied with it. I always tell new folks to start with a low price until you know what type of blade you like. After you zero in on your type of blade then start spending the dough.

All that being said, I think they are all very good starter sets.
+1 on the Dovo sets. This is an area where you definately get what you pay for and you are not buying anything disposable, so you'll have it forever. Also, you'll be dealing with a more reliable vendor.
I agree, go with the Dovo. You'll get better results with the better blade. Be careful about buying an expensive strop, though. In six months it'll look like it's been through a meat grinder. You might also like to get a strop with a canvas side that you can use with non-abrasive paste. A lot of people do without it but many swear by it (myself included).

Good luck and keep us posted.
Combined everything else with the fact until the end of the year, they're offering you free life-time honing with the Dovo purchase. How can you go wrong?
I was also looking at the Dovo set. I believe when you buy a Dovo you only get a certificate for your first re-honing, not lifetime re-honing. From there site;

"!!!You will receive a certificate good for your first Re-honing of the razor
Free of Charge!!!" (exclamation points theirs)

Still a good deal as the strop that comes with the Dovo looks better as does the razor. I haven't made my mind up yet which set I plan on buying for my Christmas present to myself.
I was also looking at the Dovo set. I believe when you buy a Dovo you only get a certificate for your first re-honing, not lifetime re-honing. From there site;

"!!!You will receive a certificate good for your first Re-honing of the razor
Free of Charge!!!" (exclamation points theirs)

Still a good deal as the strop that comes with the Dovo looks better as does the razor. I haven't made my mind up yet which set I plan on buying for my Christmas present to myself.

Check out their front page, they didn't update the razor pages, but on the home page it definitely advertises the limited time life-time honing right under the Holiday Extravaganza Priceless Value banner.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement, guys. I'm going to pull the trigger on a Dovo set tomorrow. I'm leaning toward the Special just because it looks so nice :tongue_sm . I'll let you know how it goes. I see myself taking this very slowly.
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