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Neck irritation: How did you cure it?

The first week or two I actually used a Sensor on my neck at the end of the shave. My neck irritation actually stopped on it's own as my overall technique and lathering improved. The following also helped my neck: limiting the number of passes, shorter strokes and only going N-S and S-N.
55' Red Tip.

Tabula Rasa (the key here....this stuff is so smooth this alone might cure it)

Shave With the Grain (WTG) in the spots I have issues with. I only hit the area once or twice in that direction ONLY.

Aftershave balm, and talc on the area in question. I use King Talc, Pinaud is good too.

This is my method...I had a spot on my neck that was constantly ingrown and irritated, now.......nada!
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I stopped getting irritation on my neck when I started doing two things.
1) I now shave before I shower (I know blasphemy :tongue_sm)
2) I use a pre-shave oil and really work it in
This even helped me to get those hairs that lay flat on my neck.

Part of what I do also.

In addition, I make it a practice to hold my razor with only three fingers and hold it very lightly. Most of my razor burn was caused by too much pressure or too many passes.

For me cold water shaving also works - but so does warm water shaving. :lol: I did not find the preparation to be that much of an issue.

However, what I do after I shave has yielded the most results. First, I wash off my face with a wash cloth dipped in warm water to get rid of all of the remaining lather. Next, I soak a wash cloth in cold water and put in on my face for about 30 seconds or else I cup my hands and splash cold water on my face. Next I apply a splash of WH. I use Thayer’s Rose Petal or Lavender WH. They are alcohol free and do not sting when they go on but provide soothing relief to my skin. I then use a skin moisturizer to provide relief. There are a number of good moisturizers out there such as Nivea, Neutrogena, T&H, GFT, and others. I have tried quite a few and most seem to work for me. However, if my face is really raw I use a moisturizer I borrow from my wife. My wife’s moisturizer always provides me with relief. It contains something called hyaluronic acid, which according to the pamphlet that came with it, holds more than 1,000 times its weight in moisture.

Since I seem to be compulsive about a BBS shave and shave a heavy, curly beard with sensitive skin, taking all those steps post shave has resulted in no irritation when I shave. :thumbup1:
There was a book published in the 1920 that talked about cold water shaving. I still use warm water not hot, it is out. I use a Feather AC so I have to learn to be gentle to my skin and to throw a blade away and not stretch it to far, those blades can leave you bumped up if used to far. So the first sign of irritation and there gone. In addition after my shower I let my face dry as the book stated and then apply my lather. It works so I keep doing it plus it allows me to do other things as my face dries aftert my shower and as I build my lather. I still let the lather sit but shave prompltly after it goes on. The alkalinity can reck havoc on a face so you have to limit it. Oh a face wash before the shave helped alot. Lets see what else, proper stretching of my neck area for a smooth surface. Practice and being willing to try new methods and drop old ones and products also helped.
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Keep your neck moisturized and don't use hot water. Even if you think you you don't have dry skin you probably do. You may need to apply moisturizer at night as well. I got this idea from Razor Pete, and it has proven to be correct.
after two shaves with my feather blades they go in the trash. My number one ally for "no pressure" is a fresh blade.
Even if you don't buy into the cold water shaving you may want to be careful with how hot the water is that you rinse the razor with between passes. I realized after a while that the water I used was HOT and that my razor did a great job of retaining that heat so when it was applied to my neck I was getting burnt.

I rinse my razor with luke-warm water, rinse my face with cold water, good prep, good lather, light pressure, not too many passes, and the irritation disappeared.
What? Are you serious?

I mean no disrespect, but this is the first time I have EVER heard of this technique actually being successful?

I use cold water for my 3rd and final pass which is ATG. Generally speaking, I get about 90% BBS with cold water on the third pass and little to no irritation. Not necessarily a full cold water shave, but that alone on the last pass has made a world of difference.
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Cold water shaving did the trick for me. I get zero irritation on the neck, or anywhere for that matter. None of those nasty red bumps either. Nothing compensates for proper technique, so getting my technique down was the first step. On the days when my technique is a little messy (we all have bad shave days) I slap a little bit of talc powder on the irritated area. Goes away real quick.

Cold water shaving has given me consistently closer shaves with zero irritation.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I may have to try this. I always soak my brush in HOT water as I shower...as I was taught here on B&B.

Can you get a good lather with cold water?
A little OT: I get slight neck irritation from wearing a shirt and tie everyday to work. The irritation is from the collar rubbing against my neck area. I don't wear tight collars, so that probably helps a little bit. Any other ideas?

Don't mean to sound flippant, but wear a tee shirt. I know you can't but as far as I know, the only cure is to remove the irritant. I have the same issue when wearing sweatshirts. I believe it's the little nubs sticking out catching on the material.



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I use cold water for my 3rd and final pass which is ATG. Generally speaking, I get about 90% BBS with cold water on the third pass and little to no irritation. Not necessarily a full cold water shave, but that alone on the last pass has made a world of difference.

so what passes are you doing with HOT water? WTG, XTG.

then COLD water ATG?
I wear a white t-shirt underneath my dress shirt, but it does not go high enough up my neck to prevent the irritation. If it did go high enough up my neck, it would look silly. A looser collar definitely helps, but there has to be other preventatives.

Don't mean to sound flippant, but wear a tee shirt. I know you can't but as far as I know, the only cure is to remove the irritant. I have the same issue when wearing sweatshirts. I believe it's the little nubs sticking out catching on the material.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I may have to try this. I always soak my brush in HOT water as I shower...as I was taught here on B&B.

Can you get a good lather with cold water?

I'm a Cold Water Shaver and still have a hot shower, rinsing my face with VERY COLD water ~2c minutes before finishing shower.

I use warm water to soak my brush and for my lather, I re-rinse my face with VERY COLD water before applying my lather and proceed with my CW shave.
I cured mine by throwing out my current prep (kyle's prep basically) and going for full cold water. I soak the brush and soap in cold water, strop my straight with cold water on my face, do a nice long face lather (at least a minute), and my irritation has basically dropped to zero.

I might try hot water again to keep my frame of reference in line, but for now I'm set on cold.
The only neck irritation I still get is from my shirt collar, since I have to waer a shirt and tie each day. I can loosen it up several times during my work day, but that friction is killer. Everything else has improved. Day to day improvement all around.
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