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"Natural" products

Hello everyone. I am strting to get a bit more interested in "natural" products such as shave soap/creams, body wash, deodorants, etc. Who makes these products? Have you tried any of them? I have sensitive (combo) skin on my face and some deodorants give me a rash. I have a bottle of Kiss My Face unscented and I like it. I know Toms makes deodorants. Thanks for the help. :)
There is a subforum that may be a better place to ask this, but I would recommend you look into some of our own vendors such as mama bear, st charles sue, suzie bubbles, and qed (if I missed someone I apologize). Their quality is well known and trusted here, and you can be sure that your money is going to good folks who support us here.
Thank you for the links. I will look at them. I am thinking as I run out of zxy then replace it with a natural product. :)
Try an ammonium alum or crystal deodorant; it's becoming a very popular alternative form of deodorant.

Also, try J.R. Liggett's products; the shampoo bars are a personal favorite.

Hope this is helpful.

+ 1 on the Liggett shampoo bars. I assume the Ogallala creamy body and shampoo bars (combined bath soap and shampoo) are pretty natural, too, and, I like Ogallala even better, although the Liggett lasts longer.

+1 on the so-called Thai crystal deodorants. I am extremely sensitive to deordorants and they worked great for me for years, before I started have reaactions to them to, as deordorants. Still use as alum bar on face though.

Warning, Tom's deodorants may be natural but I do not think I have gotten a worse underarm rash from anything else out there.

Arm and Hammer used to be very good and non-reactive, but they changed the formula and not I react to it, too.

I am not hugely fond of Burt's Bees products overall. Seem overhyped, overpriced. Not horrible. Not great.

I think the St Charles Shaving stuff is oftern pretty natural.

I hate to say that what I have been using for more than a year now is Axe spray deodorant. No reaction problems at all and seems quite effective. I use the low scent Bergamot. Really not a bad bergamot scent as far as I am concerned and it really is low scent.

There are some great threads on things like bath soaps around. Search them out. Some of the sandalwood soaps from India, such as Mysore, are just wonderful.

If you can find it, some Indian Company makes a "red sandalwood" (is distinctly red and has little scent) soap that is supposedly good for acne. Seems like a truly wonderful face soap. I have had only one bar and have not been able to find it again. Seems to be very deep cleaning without drying one's skin at all.
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