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natural only progression

found this site http://www.japan-tool.com/tech_knlg/toishi/Awasedo.html with your term

Naturally occurring stones, known by the Japanese name of “Tennen Toishi (Natural Sharpening Stone)” can be roughly categorized into several distinct groups. Coarse stones (Arado) are sandstone (eg. Oomura), Medium stones (Nakado) are claystone, quartzs-trachyt, tuff, andesite (eg. Aoto, Amakusa, Numata, Aizu, Iyo, Sakeki, many many others.), and Finishing stones (Awasedo) are ganister, silica shale. Within these stones, only the ones that fulfill all of the below conditions are qualified as sharpening stones.

So would look for an Akado perhaps, rather than an awasedo?

thanks for all the info... this was kind of the info i was looking for... i am not opposed to cotis or synths, just curious about the naturals...
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Huh, good to know then. I'm also curious if anyone has had good experiences with the reconstituted ones.

yes they are much softer than the naturals, gouge easier and also dish much faster. Not going to be a problem for razors but one can feel the difference. The synthetic ones also tend to split if not cared for properly.
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