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Naniwa 1k stained my pants...

OK, so I was careless, and I was honing my razor on a red Naniwa 1k in one of my favourite pair of trousers, in gray linen. I ended up with a large, red stain from the slurry.

What the hell to do about this? I've washed it twice in 60 degrees centigrade, with no noticeable improvement.

Luckily the pants weren't that expensive, but... What are these whetstones composed of? What could the colouring agent be?
Some of them have pretty strong coloring, the worst I've ever seen is the Chosera 1K, stains everything & it does not wash out.

If it's any relief, my whole kitchen is a mess from various slurry stains, weird scratches, dirty spots everywhere from swarf & slurry that has dried in & please don't get me started on the kitchen table...
*Shrug* Well, I have a new pair of working pants, I guess. Linen is tough, and all that...

It was just a pair I ordered off Next, and I can afford another.
Red stain... I am guessing Iron Oxide. If it is, try some lemon juice. If it's not, oh well. Make sure to wash the lemon juice out, being acidic, it will eat at the fibers. Now, about what to do with the stone... sounds like it's time to PIF it to the first guy to give you a possible remedy to saving your pants...
I remember the advice my printmaking instructor gave to the class: be sure to wear your work clothes; or else, your finer clothes will soon become your work clothes.
You think it's Iron Oxide? ! That means Oxalic Acid could work!

ETA: Treated it with oxalic acid, will let it work for a few more minutes, and then wash them. If that doesn't work, I'll have to get a new pair of linen pants.
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Yeah, this is the reason I was wary of the Chosera 1K despite the praise it gets. I settled on Shapton Glass hones, figure white is better than rainbow colored pants
You think it's Iron Oxide? ! That means Oxalic Acid could work!

ETA: Treated it with oxalic acid, will let it work for a few more minutes, and then wash them. If that doesn't work, I'll have to get a new pair of linen pants.
First of all - cold water to remove a stain; hot set's it (I will make someone a very nice wife one day....:blink:).

Second - try this stuff called Iron Out. The active ingredient is Na-dithionite (Na-hydrosulfite). You need to reduce and solubilize the iron. This stuff will do it and at a more neutral pH. Can't guarantee your pants, but this would be my choice. Hardware store or Home Despot....
Oxalic acid did nothing. Looks like Na-hydrosulfite is used in tie-dye... I feel a bit spent, I'm going to get a new pair of pants instead...


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I know what you mean. I usually wear a tuxedo when I hone.
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I know what you mean. I usually wear a tuxedo when I hone.
Of course, you should always show the razor proper respect by dressing nice.

Honing isn't really heavy or dirty work, but it sure can wreck things around with stains & what not.

A friend of mine once shook a bottle of liquid Crox to re-apply a bit to his strop. The lid wasn't on... His apartment turned green.
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