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Nair does absolutely nothing

Hi, before I tried shaving I tried Surgi cream (its a Depilatory like Nair.) Then I tried some other brand of cream. I left Surgi on for 8 minutes (they said that was the maximum amount of time.) Removed about 2 or 3 hairs. Yep. Tried the other brand, held it on for 15 minutes (max time was 10 minutes.) Removed about 5 hairs, and I was left with a big rash. So I tried nair for face. Left it on for 10 minutes, TWICE. Did not remove a single hair, but did not irrate my skin whatsoever. Then I left Nair on for 20 minutes. Got minor bumps and slight irritation, BUT IT DID NOT REMOVE ONE HAIR FROM MY FACE.

If that doesn't work, I'm buying Nair for body hair and putting it on my face.
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Careful with the nair for body. Once upon a time when I was much younger I had a mohawk. I was tired of using my electric for my head, and my sensor left me with rediculous bumps. So in desperation I tired Nair. Moments after application, I felt like my head was on fire. My scalp was red for three days afterwards, and I had it on there for less than 2 minutes.
Why don't you just shave? Using a depillitory product on your face is a harsh alternative to hair removal in my estimation!
I don't want gray skin, I have dark hair and you can see the hair underneath the skin.

Chris, I'll do a patch test on my sideburns.
I would not trust nair-like products on anyones body.

I think you should stay away from the chemical disaster that is nair.
I don't want gray skin, I have dark hair and you can see the hair underneath the skin.

Chris, I'll do a patch test on my sideburns.

I don't see how Nair would remedy the gray skin thing. I thought that these creams basically chemically burned the hair off, which would just leave you with dissolved hair at skin-level instead of cut hair at skin level.


Wanting for wisdom
I does not work for many of the women I've known including my wife . . . SWMBO. . . er honest I never knew any other women but my wife . . . (I think I hear her reaching into the bucket of salt water where she keeps her rusty knife)
If you want to put nair on your face, go for it. But, you've come to the wrong place if you are looking to get support or advice on that practice.
I tried some of that crap once, gave me a weeping chemical burn that took weeks to heal. Ate my stinking face off. My wife tried one on her legs and had almost the same reaction. Terrible irritation. Hair came off with the skin though.

Can anyone actually use these products with regularity?
1. Nair isn't a male facial hair strength depiliatory.
2. Waxing your face will make you cry for days and promote ingrown hairs.
3. If you can find a barbershop or drug store that caters to the black population, they will have some beard depiliatories. They work, but are as hard if not harder on your skin than Nair.
Dude...shave. You can't do anything about the "gray areas" under your skin. You're a guy -- that's what happens.

The only possible way around it is for you to invest in electrolysis. However, this process will take ages, cost you an immense amount & probably won't be permanent (if it works at all). Plus, I'm sure it would be very painful. (Probably a lot less painful than the chemical burn you'd get from Nair, tho.)
I want to let all of you know, DO NOT TRY WAXING YOUR FACE. EVER. Not only is it painful, but what's worse than the pain, is that it ruptures blood vessels under the skin, leaves red marks and pimples that last for WEEKS. Besides it leaves a lot of hair and stubble. Waxing only gets rid of a fraction of the hair. Believe me, I've tried it.

I might go to a black shaving salon, but I have no clue where one is at. I don't even know where ANY shaving salons are at, actually. I've been to a few barber shops and none of them have any shaving products.

Yes, I believe in one blade razors, and I am trying to purchase a decent shaving brush.

Also, I thought Nair seperated the hair from the base follicle? Eg, makes the hair fall out, not actually disentegrate.
Yes, dipiliatories dissolve the bond at the root of the follicle, not the entire hair. And electrolysis is permanent if you have the money for multiple sessions over time.
You may not need to find a barbershop that caters to African Americans. Pretty much every CVS I go into has shaving powder. I personally wouldn't use the stuff... who knows what those chemicals will do to your skin in the long run.

In any case, some of us are born to look like we have 5 o'clock shadow even right after we have shaved and some of us will get little more than peach fuzz if we let our hair grow for a few days... its all part of the variety of life :). Personally I think it is better to accept our faces the way they are than try to make them something they are not.

Pretty sure Nair ain't for your noggin, and leaving it on five minutes after the maximum you should have expected a rash.
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