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N00B question about W&B & Japanese straights

It seems that W&B straights are mentioned alot as one of the straights to have.
I've seen several different "models" of them & was wondering if (condition aside) one was better/more desirable than another & if so, why?
Also, the Japanese straights, other than Feather...the mid-20th century models like Tohra good straights?
well...its gets a bit involved..there isnt a "better or best"..if you have a heavy/very coarse beard..near wedge/full wedge razors are easier on the hair removal...if thinner/medium beard..hollow/extra hollow razors wil do well also..

Japanese straight razors are different "world" IMO...they are SUPER sharp and with honing can be VERY smooth as well...but IMO if you have a very heavy/coarse beard the edge will dull quicker as more "mowing" down is needed..these tend to be lighter in weight than a near wedge/full wedge..but hold a great edge non the less..these are also more "unforgiving" than Western razors...it also comes down to supply n demand...less of one razor type will command higher prices usually...deals are out there..the 5 I had were great deals as I knew what to look for..
OK...well, let's assume "no beard".
Wife likes a "baby face". :blush:

smalltank's advice still applies - heavy/coarse beard means that your growth is dense and/or the whiskers are tough. medium/thin means that your growth is less dense, possibly patchy, and/or your whiskers are softer/not wiry. IMO anyway, that's how I understand those terms.
It seems that W&B straights are mentioned alot as one of the straights to have.
I've seen several different "models" of them & was wondering if (condition aside) one was better/more desirable than another & if so, why?
Also, the Japanese straights, other than Feather...the mid-20th century models like Tohra good straights?

The reason why Wade and Butcher's are mentioned so much is that they're popular at the moment, like beanie babies. Also, new shavers tend to buy and look for the most common makers - and that would be Wade and Butcher. They're nothing special - just a good quality razor, like so many other makers. The "most desirable" Wade and Butchers are usually the biggest ones, for no other reason than they are less common and more cool. They all shave equally as good - full hollows, wedges, etc. if honed properly. A big, heavy thick grind might give the impression that it shaves a heavy beard easier, but that's only because the weight of the razor helps, because a heavy grind is heavier...

Can't add insight to the Jap razors, sorry
Perhaps I misunderstood & I thought he was under the assumption that I had a beard, which I do not.
I didn't know if that would make a difference to the different variations of W&B blades with the various "stampings/etchings".
wait 2 weeks..grow a heard..how quick does it grow..whats the "texture" like...mine feels like cactus whiskers..this is called "coarse"..doesnt grow in fast so it isnt a "thick" beard type...
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