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Mystery Razor

Hi guys,
My Grandfather has been lost since his favorite razor broke. I'm trying to find a replacement for him, as he's hated every other razor he's tried replacing it with. If anyone can help me, I would be elated. I figured this would be the place, since i come here for all for all my razor info.

Here's a picture:

I tried to get him on to using a DE, but no luck. ;-)
Guess he's set in his ways.

That's a Contour handle which takes twin blade cartridges. I have seen some on ebay. Try getting him on a 34C and explain the cost difference between DE blades and cartridges. Better still, tell him it cannot be replaced.
Welcome to B&B, flatliner . . . I'm sure we can help you find your lost grandfather . . .

He has a Gillette Atra razor (also known as the Contour in Europe) which IMHO was the best cartridge razor Gillette ever made. I keep one for use as a travel razor since the carts are OK for airline carry-on. The cartridges are still being made not only by Gillette but by aftermarket suppliers and are much more reasonably priced than other cartridge types. My favorite is the Dollar General twin blade (which also fits Trac II) with a six-pack selling for $1.49. I can understand why he is lost . . . it's a damn fine shaver!!

Right now I don't have a spare . . . otherwise I'd fix you up! But, we have a Buy/Sell/Trade section of B&B that you can post in . . . you will certainly find one that will be reasonably priced and in good condition.

Good luck in your search . . . hang around here and you'll find a great bunch of guys that have found the secrets to converting the mundane chore of shaving into a daily pleasure!
Good luck on your search...

I'm amused that the pic of it is labeled as "Old School" and it's regarding a cartridge razor... hehe
Flatliner --

I believe that WestCoastShaving.com carries an all metal Atra type handle. You'll have to fish through their website. They're an excellent vendor, recommended.

-- John Gehman
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