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Mystery=British Aristocrat, Parat, or Ranger Jr.

Well I have spent a long time on Mr Razor and cannot figure this one out. This is a razor in almost perfect condition with SS handle and Nickel? head. It is made in England, Pat.694093 with 11 above the Made in England on the underside. The bar has a small notch and there are full side covers. It looks just like the Aristocrat Jr. Any experts want to give this one a shot?
I'm sure Achim will be along shortly to weigh in, but it looks like a Parat. Made in England for the German market.

I'm sure Achim will be along shortly to weigh in, but it looks like a Parat. Made in England for the German market.


Thanks Chuck, Mr. Razor indicates that that was made in Germany? I couldn't figure that part out. I also have a 1930 Regent German Set which was made in the USA. So, maybe the German razors were not made in Germany but England.
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