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Mystery Blades

Does anyone have any info on these old blades? They were in my Gillette old type case and anything about them would be appreciated. :thumbup:

The blade itself is a rusty orange color paint.
Looks like a vintage Gillette Thin blade that was packaged for the Blue Cross as some kind of marketing deal to me. I got some of these in the factory Gillette packaging when I bought my Old Type. They were a weird orange color, as well.

Do they have a date code on them? Mine were from the late '60's. H3 date code, which would be 1962, if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, I tried to shave with one, and that little experiment lasted about a nanosecond. Felt like shaving with a dull rusty butterknife. At least what I imagine shaving with a dull rusty butterknife would feel like!:lol::lol:
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