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My Vie-Long Gonzalo (04102), Mixed Horse and Boar Brush - 2nd Impressions

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Well, after four months of use I can say that not much has changed since my original posting / impression,

Read More: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...lo-Mixed-Horse-and-Boar-Brush-1st-Impressions

besides some of the best advice and the 'trick' to using these types of 'Pro' brushes I read is from member 'mftoms59' who stated;

"The Professional Horse...takes a bit more product than you're more Traditional Brushes due to the height. Your lathering technique will need to be different, using less pressure and lathering with just the tips of the Brush, practice is the only way to improve your technique with the Pro Series Brush, don't get discouraged".

Read More: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...rse-hair-brush

Again, because the Loft of this brush (in a 'class' by itself), is 61mm (2 ½ inches), I can not categorize this brush as ‘firm’ per se (maybe a 'painter' brush…after I gently exfoliate (with little pressure), my face with the tips), but when compared to my Every-Ready F40 Horsehair with a shorter Loft of 50mm (Knot 20mm), I can use more pressure to 'splay' the hairs on my face to effect a more pronounced exfoliating and scratchier feeling.

NOTE: I'm am so 'tempted' to trim down this Vie-Long Gonzalo (04102), to a Loft of around 50mm, but so far I've managed to 'stifle' this emotion by simply using another brush in
my rotation. :001_rolle

"Laughter is the [shaving] brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart." Mort Walker

PS Member 'TZee' stated in July 11, that Juan @ Gifts and Care (http://www.giftsandcare.com/en/90-ba...having-brushes
), in Valencia, Spain had 'customized' his Vie-Long brushes (shorter Loft, ect..), but I don't know if Juan still offers this excellent customer service.

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Thanks for the mention, I must deflect credit for the advice to my fellow Horse Aficionado, malocchio, he has several of the Pro Series Brushes and has passed this advice on to several members that have had difficulty using them. I've had the pleasure of using them after he piqued my curiosity... they are quite a challenge, and with practice, rewarding.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Thanks for the mention, I must deflect credit for the advice to my fellow Horse Aficionado, malocchio, he has several of the Pro Series Brushes and has passed this advice on to several members that have had difficulty using them. I've had the pleasure of using them after he piqued my curiosity... they are quite a challenge, and with practice, rewarding.
Thanx for your reply. support and for sharing!! :thumbsup:

“Laughter is the [shaving] brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart”. Mort Walker
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