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my single ring restoration

I posted earlier about an old Gillette I saw at an antique store that I ended up passing on. After researching a bit on the B&B forums and wiki I thought it might be a silver plated razor based on the color it was (black). Well after I slept on it I said screw it, it's 35 bucks, I'll give it a whirl and see if I can shine her up a bit.

The box has seen better days but it's not awful. Came with one of the two original razor tins. The side that sat facing down has a bit of spotting, other than that it's great. Lid snaps on tightly.

It also came with some razors to fill the other slot. I don't know much about the Personnas or the Schick, but they are a nice bonus. I'd appreciate any info on them if anyone is up on these kinds of things.

The razor...well I posted some before and after pics below (sorry for the crappy quality) and I'll say that I couldn't be more pleased with the results. Serial number C214945 places it as a 1911 model. It's a single ring and is silver plated. Maybe a couple spots, but it looks flawless to the naked eye...not bad for almost 100 years old. Teeth are straight as an arrow, it assembles smoothly and it's just beautiful.

As far as cleaning, I tried the method that calls for aluminum foil in the bottom of a dish and soaking with hot water mixed with baking soda. Did this 3 times for about 10 minutes per. Helped a lot, but the results weren't perfect. I then used a sponge with some Barkeeper's Friend liquid and that took all the tarnish away.

Not sure if it's worth the $35 that I paid for it, but it was worth it to bring her back to life and you can bet I'll test it out!

OH, it's well worth the $35!

Great job on the clean up (cleaned my 1912 Single Ring today too, I need to get some pics).
If you decide you don't like it, you can easily sell it for more.
The condition of the razor and case look to be very good or excellent. That is a very nice find! Well done!
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