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My Restored Family

I have restored 25 brushes in the last few months (sold 6, kept 19) and while I never say never, I don't think I will be doing any more restorations unless I find a really exceptional handle for a good price at one of my local antique stores. I never intended to become a brush collector, but performing restorations is so fun, easy, and highly gratifying, it was really hard to say "when". Bless my wife for putting up with this along with the massive razor collecting.

This, then is my 19 member restored brush family -- all with TGN knots.

The "Daddies"...

(L-R: Ever-Ready 150 Finest, Certifyd #2 Finest, Cerifyd #2 Silvertip, Rubberset Silvertip, Certifyd #3 Finest)


The "Mommies"...

(L-R: Fuller Super Badger, Klenzo Silvertip, Klenzo Silvertip Grade A)


(L-R: Ever-Ready C40 Best Badger, Ever-Ready 300E Super Badger, Rubberset Super Badger)


(L-R: Star Finest, Rubberset/Ever-Ready C40 combo Silvertip Grade A, Majestic Finest)


The "Little Ones"...

(L-R: Fuller Silvertip, Fuller Finest, Rubberset Best Badger, Rubberset Finest)


And the "Grand Pappy" of them all...

(28mm Super Badger Adoration)

I'm ignorant of just how it is done?! I have a couple of old brush's and would like to know how to neetly remove the knots in order to reinsert a new one? I have hand tools and lots of Dremel attachments, thanking you in advance I"m ........................tinkersd!
I'm ignorant of just how it is done?! I have a couple of old brush's and would like to know how to neetly remove the knots in order to reinsert a new one? I have hand tools and lots of Dremel attachments, thanking you in advance I"m ........................tinkersd!
Check out the sticky and the wiki, it's so easy I can do it. It's also cheap, satisfying and addictive.
My favorites? The two Certifyds, top photo, left of center and center. Just classic. Well done!
Those look great! Real inspiration for me, I have a couple of cheap brushes that I have picked up, these will be my experiments at brush restores (wont be out much $ if I destroy them :001_smile
Great job with the pics too!!
how it is done?!

Some guys have drill presses, which would certainly make the removal process a lot easier, but I clamp the brush in a table vise (with padding to protect it) and use a hand drill to get the old knots out. I start with a spade bit because they bite easily and will really blast out the old hair and then I switch to a Forstner bit to produce a nice even depth on the opening. I finish off with a dremel-like rotary tool to clean the insides out real good. Prior to this, you need to cut down the old knot as far as you can.

Setting a new knot is a simple matter of using some two-part epoxy (I like the 5 minute variety) to create a new "shelf" at your chosen depth for the knot to sit, and then some more epoxy to hold the knot in place.
Thanks for the accolades, guys. These were a lot of fun to make and I'm glad I have a place to share my passion and pictures.
Just saw this. Very nice. I'm getting into this restoration stuff a bit now. You set a very high standard sir. You show what can be done with comittment to the process. Nice "family".
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