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My opinion regarding artisan signature soaps


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Count me as not a fan either for many reasons.

I never saw the one with the loaded gun but was told about it. Not something I want to endorse or promote, no matter who makes the soap or how good it is.

One YT guy was even heard mentioning he just pee'd in the shower before starting his video lathering with a powertool. Real classy.

I'll pass.
I'd think from a business standpoint endorsing a personality that you have no control over (and maybe no contract of conditions) would put your brand at risk. If said personality decides to go off the deep end or offend the community, you've tied your brand to them. You have to either back them up or fire sale/dispose of the product.

Seems a little risky to me I guess.


System Generated
I'd think from a business standpoint endorsing a personality that you have no control over (and maybe no contract of conditions) would put your brand at risk.

Seems a little risky to me I guess.

It's turned me off of a few brands.
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I have found that the various YouTube personalities have greatly increased my understanding and exploration of this new world of wet shaving. Instead of tentatively starting (and likely staying) with a MicroOne razor and my trusty can of Barbasol, I have quickly amassed a collection of razors, soaps, and brushes and have gotten friends and co-workers interested. I gave the janitor at the school where I teach an end-of-semester gift razor/soap kit and he now is asking for recommendations for gift razors for his family.

Despite waiting until sales to buy shower bars at the lowest possible cost I have splurged on various artisan shaving soaps, sometimes based on reviews or SOTD videos. If the soapmakers want to acknowledge the folks who have helped their businesses, I completely understand. I never buy a soap based on its name, but on the described fragrance profile, reviews, and comments on both the websites and YouTube videos.

As for myself, I am waiting for my signature razor line in recognition of my sharp wit...

Well there is a surprise, considering the high jinx that this business has been doing. Just one more crazy stunt, just confirming, I will never spend a nickel on HTGAM/PHOENIX. A Little ashamed they now call my state home
The only question is, what will Mystic Water call the "celestino" soap? :001_cool:
Mystic Water does have Jeff's Lavender, but I think it was based on a customer who requested it rather than an internet personality.

I'm waiting for the Bay Rum to be renamed for the number of times I've recommended it :w00t:
This is the first I have heard of this. I guess the fact I don't have Facebook, Twitter, whatever and don't search Youtube for shaving videos and/or product reviews has something to do with it.

Either way I kind of think this is tacky and wouldn't buy any of these products.
Threads like this crack me up. So there's some shaving products companies out there that have some fun, come up with gimmicky, kitchy stuff to help market their products and knickers begin the twist. What's even funnier is that it obviously works. The most memorable advertising is often the most annoying.

It's a tongue and cheek attempt to sell more products. Why is it that something like wet shaving somehow has to conform to some sort of rigid set of "standards"?
I'm not saying it has to conform to standards but I expect a level of professionalism.

Think of this - we're in the rebirth of wet shaving right now. Some of these companies could become big players in the industry. I would be very careful laying my foundation to keep doors open in the future.

Why risk anything to be "tongue in cheek" or kitschy? The best it could do is alienate your current customers.
I'm not saying it has to conform to standards but I expect a level of professionalism.

Think of this - we're in the rebirth of wet shaving right now. Some of these companies could become big players in the industry. I would be very careful laying my foundation to keep doors open in the future.

Why risk anything to be "tongue in cheek" or kitschy? The best it could do is alienate your current customers.

+1 Sleeper nailed it. Above all else I value professionalism.
RazoRock was not the first to offer signature soaps, it was Catie's Bubbles and the soaps are Stallion's Gardenia and The Villain's Rose.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Maybe I don't get out enough, but I have no idea who those guys are.

I am on B&B every day and I have not seen any of these. I am extremely disappointed in my shaving community.

Or maybe extremely appreciative. Yeah, that's it - thank you.
Mystic Water does have Jeff's Lavender, but I think it was based on a customer who requested it rather than an internet personality.

I'm waiting for the Bay Rum to be renamed for the number of times I've recommended it :w00t:

Jeff's Lavender got its name because I already had one named Wild Lavender (made with lavandin rather than lavender oil). Jeff, who comes to visit at the farmer's market, asked for a special order lavender soap with lanolin and allantoin, and I personalized the label for him before I knew that it would become a regular item. But he liked it so much that I started making more of it and eventually its sales eclipsed the Wild Lavendar, which got removed from the website. No marketing gimmick intended.
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