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My Omega fell apart... thinking about ordering a better brush.

Hi All.

My Omega Pure Badger fell apart during my shave this evening. I have been wanting to upgrade anyway, so I am taking this as a sign.

I am primarily a soap user... but I also have a few creams I like.

I am thinking about ordering a custom Shavemac with D01. Is there anything else I should consider customizing? Knot size? loft? I am a bit confused with their customization... It brings up the fancy page where you can select handle style, and badger type. But that is about it. I was pretty sure you could really get them customized.

Also are there other brushes I should consider? I have heard Rooney 1/1, 3/1 and Simpson X2L mentioned a lot around here.

Any input would be helpful!

Omega is known for the quality of the brushes it makes. I am surprised to see it fall apart !! Although I think they are better know for their boars. I have around 5 omegas and they are going strong and extremely soft. So much that I have kept my Semogue silver tip idle for long !!

Why not try one of the boars from Omega - the 3100XX series are real jewels !
I have a really inexpensive Omega that I have used for over ten years. I'm surprised yours fell apart.

Any I recently joined this forum and now have three badger brushes, so I don't use the Omega so much.
Hi All.

My Omega Pure Badger fell apart during my shave this evening. I have been wanting to upgrade anyway, so I am taking this as a sign.

I am primarily a soap user... but I also have a few creams I like.

I am thinking about ordering a custom Shavemac with D01. Is there anything else I should consider customizing? Knot size? loft? I am a bit confused with their customization... It brings up the fancy page where you can select handle style, and badger type. But that is about it. I was pretty sure you could really get them customized.

Also are there other brushes I should consider? I have heard Rooney 1/1, 3/1 and Simpson X2L mentioned a lot around here.

Any input would be helpful!


An Omega falling apart?

I think you should consider either Semogue or Muhle.
I like those for being no nonsense high value brushes.

I had the same issue.

My black and clear acrylic handle Pure badger Omega popped right off. Of course it was the day after I threw away the packaging and receipt, but I also found out the handle was filling up with water! :blink: I like my EJ BBB much better now!
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