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My New Jnat!

Just thought I'd show off my new (and first) Jnat!


I ordered it Monday from JNS and received it today! Denmark to PA in three days... that's customer service! Anyhow, after I PM'd the enabler.....Jpcwon.... about how he liked his Shoubudani, his enthusiasm forced me to order one!!! The bad part is, the wife came home from work early just as DHL pulled up!!!! :lol: So now she thinks a Jnat is only $30 bucks!!!:001_rolle

I also ordered a tomo, mejiro and tenjyou nagura. I began lapping it but had to leave for work. It was crowned in the center so it took a while but I only have about 1cm left around the outside edges before I'm done with the initial lapping. I'll then polish it with my coticule and tomonagura as others have recommended. Hopefully I'll get to take it for a test drive this weekend.

Thanks JP for directing me to the rabbit hole!!!!

Any time, Shawn! :001_smile Congrats & let me know when you start to use it if you have any questions...Looks like a nice stone!!

ps - my wife thinks my JNATS were pennies on the dollar as well!! :001_tongu
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I can't believe you listened to JP!!!

You've got a nice beginner stone that will serve it's purpose. Unfortunately it just opens the doors to a much more expensive world of high end JNATS.
The Asano naguras are awesome to work with and your experience with JNS was just like mine. Maksim is a top notch guy that provides excellent service and customer satisfaction.

One day soon you'll be using this as a pre-polisher :p

Once you unlock the ability of these things, you'll never turn back.
I can't believe you listened to JP!!!

Hehe, yeah I had to put my "enabler hat" on for this one!! :001_tongu

Shawn wanted to jump into JNATs, so I told him about the successes I've had with the Shoubudani. I hope he gets the same killer edges I've been getting with this stone!
Yeah, lots of "enablers" on this site....may need to join RA!

I have a pretty busy weekend but hopefully I can find a few spare minutes to finish lapping and hone a razor or two!!! I'll report back.

The nice thing about this hobby....most things are in small packages and look relatively "cheap"..... Keeps the better halves happily in the dark!
The nice thing about this hobby....most things are in small packages and look relatively "cheap"..... Keeps the better halves happily in the dark!

AAhh yes...I myself am the proud owner of several $10 coticules and a few $15 JNATs...Hell, they even threw in the Naguras for free!!! :001_tongu
AAhh yes...I myself am the proud owner of several $10 coticules and a few $15 JNATs...Hell, they even threw in the Naguras for free!!! :001_tongu

I guess your wives don't look at the bank much??? Mine works for our bank... can't hide anything from her.
Just wanted to post that I got a chance to try out my the new Jnat tonight and I had pretty good success. After I set the bevel on a Sheffield, I went through a tenjou, mejiro and tomo progression. I finished with thinned tomo slurry because I wasn't able to build much more than that! I got an ok HHT off the stone and a HHT 3-4 after stropping. I'll test shave it in the morning. I'll take it for my first shot at a Jnat..... After a few months of fighting with my coticule, I thought all hope was lost!!!

Just wanted to post that I got a chance to try out my the new Jnat tonight and I had pretty good success. After I set the bevel on a Sheffield, I went through a tenjou, mejiro and tomo progression. I finished with thinned tomo slurry because I wasn't able to build much more than that! I got an ok HHT off the stone and a HHT 3-4 after stropping. I'll test shave it in the morning. I'll take it for my first shot at a Jnat..... After a few months of fighting with my coticule, I thought all hope was lost!!!


That's awesome to hear, Shawn! I was hoping that the JNAT would be easier to use, and it sounds like you're on the right track...congrats!!
I had great initial success with my Shuobudani, as well, and the edges have gotten even better the more I use it. My poor Escher has been playing second fiddle to my JNat for the last month.
Had a test shave this morning. I got some irritation on my neck but I'm sure it was a technique issue. I was used to my less than stellar edges I was getting on my coticule and probably used a little too much pressure. I'm sure the jnat edge just needs some further refinement to smooth it out. At least I can get a decent edge so it's just a matter of experimenting and practicing!!!

Thanks for all the help,
Had a test shave this morning. I got some irritation on my neck but I'm sure it was a technique issue. I was used to my less than stellar edges I was getting on my coticule and probably used a little too much pressure. I'm sure the jnat edge just needs some further refinement to smooth it out. At least I can get a decent edge so it's just a matter of experimenting and practicing!!!

Thanks for all the help,

Very nice!! :thumbup1: I'm sure you'll be able to improve on that edge with a little practice. Pay attention to the Tomo stage; that seems to be the most critical that can "make or break" an edge in my (very small) experience...
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