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my new Jesus piece


Aogami ( blue #2 ) steel. right handed Japanese grind.

i dub thee, 'The Spice Melange

my second straight razor. first to be used for shaving.

my first straight edge was a dovo silver, that i purchased, but i never used it to shave, since i didn't have any honing equipment. then i used it to cut various other things until i chipped the bevel. now i don't even know where it is. if i find it i might pif it out to someone that can fix it.

this new razor though im gonna use exclusively for shaving. i never used a straight edge before, so i need to watch some videos first. also i assume i need to get more honing equipment. all i have is a strop at the time. i know nothing about honing yet either. but im thinking this is gonna be my main razor once i know how to properly use it. now i need to invest in a stand to display this beauty.

i also have a brush with the same Jesus on it.


i met a guy from china on etsy that makes wood products from ebony wood. he made me a cigarette case with the Jesus on it in gold, with 20 individual slots for each cigarette. im gonna ask him to see if he can make me a stand or a case for this also with the rorschach Jesus.


i am eager to embark on this journey of becoming a proficient straight edge master.
Cool razor, and nice follow through on a theme.

Unless the chip is large, your Dovo can probably be fixed up easily enough.
Very nice Sir!!

Welcome to the fold and a beginning of a journey that will test you in everyway but just never forget that we all started at the same place....if you have a question just ask.

As far a honing......lets just start with the shaving and stropping....one can have a razor honed by a honemeister pretty quickly and cheaply till you are ready yo embark on tjat journey.....one step at a time.
allyourbasearebelongtous, nice user name. Love it.

You picked a hard way to get started, IMO. More power to you if you can do it. Is it a Japanese grind or Western?

Now for my almost certainly unwanted $0.02: smoking is much more dangerous than shaving with a kamisori.
allyourbasearebelongtous, nice user name. Love it.

You picked a hard way to get started, IMO. More power to you if you can do it. Is it a Japanese grind or Western?

Now for my almost certainly unwanted $0.02: smoking is much more dangerous than shaving with a kamisori.

glad you like the name

its a Japanese grind. i saw the razor one day when i was browsing. and i thought it looked nice so i ordered it on the whim, without doing research on grinds or anything. im a double edge razor guy right now. but im gonna expend into straights. after doing a little reading and watched some videos i realized i should of started off with a western. oh well i guess im gonna end up with at least two of these. i wonder if koraat will make a kamisori.

im also a smoker so im thinking i should be fine ha ha ha ha
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