just picked it up yesterday - Trek Soho S. I'm really, really happy with it so far. Very light, great gearing, well built. there is much riding in my future!!
This bike looks great mate! My next bike will be a Swiss Army Bike(year of manufacture:1930): http://www.velo-zuerich.ch/velo-zuerich/velo/militaervelos/militaervelo05/militaervelo-1930-9097/militaervelo-1930.htm
Thought this would have been a motorcycle. Lol. Nice bike though. Stealth rider lol
rather utilitarian looking, but it does look like a good design. I want a nice road bike to replace my mountin bike. I should post pictures and maybe trade for something???
It was good ride, but the wife said no. Something about a Great Recession.
Nice bike!
Do you commute with it? I'm looking forward to taking mine to work soon.
how much?