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My Merkur 41 (aka 1904) Open Comb Razor Experience

Efficient! If I had to use only one word to describe the Merkur 41 open comb razor, efficient would be it.

This razor gave me a comfortable, almost effortless, BBS shave this morning. It was my first time using this or any open comb razor and I have to admit I was a bit concerned. In fact, I was concerned enough to start the shave with a once used Personna Platinum Chrome blade! :001_smile As it turns out, the caution was unnecessary.

Bottom line: I have a new favorite razor! :thumbup1:

Are you sure the 1904 is the 41 with a different handle? I was under the impression that the 1904 was the same as the 15 C which happens to be my favorite. And I agree, what a comfortable, enjoyable, and close shave it gives...
Thanks, celestino!

dilney: The 1904 (an unofficial nickname) is the 41 with the same handle. They're identical and, yes, I'm sure. The 41 is an open comb while the 42 has a safety bar. They're called by some the 1904 because they are supposedly patterned after Gillette's original safety razor. That's where the handle design came from. That said, the 41 is also the 15 with a different handle. Many of the Merkur razors share the same head. :wink2:
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It's a bit confusing and not easy to explain, but if you put a #41 handle on your #15, it would be a #41 (1904) since the handle is the only difference between them.
Yes, the same story with Merkur 25C - same head, different handle. I like Merkur OC head. The way it shaves. Actually I am afraid I can say my 25C is only razor I really need. Long handle and mild head(aggressivness between Weishi and DE89/R89) fits me best.
Btw I admire Merkur. How can they survive, when they are making such mediocre shaving tools? I have 3 Mühle razors-flawless tools, everything is perfect, superior finish. My Merkur 37C had small residues under chrome on bottom side of cap. It caused wavy blade.Also overall finish of the razor was disappointment. Futur have notch on comb and some setting numbers are not 100% perfect. The notch is from factory because it is under finish layer. Best is 25C. There is only thread on handle little bit off center. When I put 25C razor to horizontal position and I screw out or in handle, bottom of handle moves up and down during handle rotation. Not big deal.
This cannot be about good or bad luck. I also owned Weishi 9306 - 15$ chinese razor. I had no problem with it. True is Weishi had way better finish than 37C. I don´t know if Merkur separates better copies for export and lower quality copies stay in Europe. Maybe my Mühles set level so high for me.
One of the most amazing things about this razor is its price! I paid less than $27 for it shipped to my door!

asddsa: I agree about the chrome plating on the Mekur. It's decidedly unimpressive especially when compared to the finish on my Edwin Jagger which is flawless.
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It's a bit confusing and not easy to explain, but if you put a #41 handle on your #15, it would be a #41 (1904) since the handle is the only difference between them.

Thanks for the info. I actually confused the Merkur 41 with the Muhle R41. Anyway, this Merkur OC may be the most pleasant design for shaving. At least to me it is...
Thanks for the info. I actually confused the Merkur 41 with the Muhle R41. Anyway, this Merkur OC may be the most pleasant design for shaving. At least to me it is...

Oh! Well, after reading many of the comments on the Muhle R41, I'm not sure I'd even pick one up let alone shave with it! :laugh:

I totally agree about the Merkur OC. I was really pleasantly surprised with it yesterday and am looking forward to shaving with it today.
I've had many variations of that head on several razors. It is a nice, smooth, mild open comb razor.

The ones I have had are the Muhle R41 and R101 (2009/10 models) and the Merkur 15 and 1904 models. All were excellent daily drivers. Mild and comfortable enough to use every day. Unfortunately I have sold every one I have bought as I just did not use them often enough to keep them around BUT.... I am on the prowl for another one :001_smile.

If you like yours and want one with a top shelf fit and finish seek out one of the older Muhle models: R41 (chrome handle) or R101 (black acrylic handle) or R102 (white acrylic handle) open comb razor. Very few razor manufacturers put in the quality that Muhle does.


Thanks for the heads up on the older model Muhles, turtle! Your R41 is particularly handsome and I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for one! :001_cool:
The 41 is a sweet little razor at a reasonable price.

and unlike most other merkurs, the handle can be swapped out.
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