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My Knot Fell Out - How do I glue it back ?

I have a Tweezerman brush that I use quite a bit. This morning while lathering the knot fell out from the handle.

Is there a preferred way to glue it back in ? What kind of glue would you use ?

Or should I just buy another brush ?
Another brush could work or you could re knot it with superior badger hair from The Golden Nib, but to re set the knot use marine grade epoxy and let it cure
18mm silvertip for $16.95
2 part epoxy will do the job. Just be sure to keep it off of the hair. I would mix some up, put some in the bottom of the hole, and put your knot back in. Let it set, and you'll be good to go.
Go to any big box building supply store and get some Devcon 5 minute epoxy.

Clean out the hole as well as you can using sand paper and a scraping tool. DO NOT enlarge the hole, just remove any loose glue residue. Dry fit the knot. It should go in easily and not bind

Put masking tape over the top of your brush handle and cut the hole out of the tape so that you do not get the epoxy on it.

Mix the epoxy in a plastic spoon and apply it to the inside of the handle and the outside of the knot.

DO NOT gob it on, but get an even coating (you have 5 minutes to work so you will have plenty of time, don't rush). I have found that those plastic coffee stir paddles (not the hollow tubes the ones that are solid as in the pic below) work well as a paddle to get down in the knot on the sides.

Then stick the knot back in until it bottoms out and give it a twist (1/4 to 1/2 turn).

NOW the IMPORTANT part. Put it on the shelf for 2 days so that the epoxy dries thoroughly.

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