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My humble setup after 2 months of DE shaving

Hi All!,
Only been DE shaving for around 2 months and I'm on a roll!
This is my setup:
It's small and humble at present, but who knows what the future will hold!!!!

$My Razor shelf.jpg

Razors from left to right:
1. EJ89 with Bulldog handle
2. Gillette Superspeed Red Tip 1955 (year I was born)
3. Merkur 38C Barber pole
4. Weber polished head with Bulldog handle......My best razor !!!!!!!
5. Merkur 1904

I know that I need a new brush.....I'm a veggie so I fancy one of those Muhle synthetic brushes....it's next on my list.
The bowl, by the way is from the Denby pottery UK.

Bought 2 small acrylic / perspex glass effect shelves on Ebay for under £17 the pair.
Marked out and drilled a few 20mm holes in one using a Arbor bit and hey presto!

When will it stop!!!! I must be going crazy!!!!
I'm even dreaming about shaving!!!!!
Happy Days :biggrin1:
Petty flash! I'm digging the shelves.

I'm about a year into it and it's not stopping yet. :) Once you've tried every razor... the you have to try every soap, then brushes and blades. I figure in about 10yrs I'll have one of everything. I'll have a walk in closet sticking out the side of my house to house it all! Crazy. lol... all good fun and it won't exactly break the bank... if you don't go too crazy. Most items are less than $100.

Odd isn't it how you look forward to shaving... shaving for Pete's sake!
A really good synthetic brush is the Kent Infinity Silvertex. I paid £12 for mine and rate it very highly for bowl lathering. And it's British.
Pretty slick setup! I use an ice cream bowl my friend got me for my birthday, it actually looks very similar to yours. For only two months in, you've got more (and higher-end!) razors than I do! I'm especially covetous of that Weber, although that 38C is a monster. I constantly kick myself for PIFing it to my best friend as his starter razor.

Nice setup, and no, it never ends! NEVEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!
Very nice kit!

I'm curious, which of your razors do you like the best or find yourself using the most? Do you have a ranking for them? I'm curious about your 1904. I've been thinking about trying the open comb version of that razor.

I just started DE shaving again recently myself. I have an EJ DE89L and two Gillette Super Speeds, a Red Tip '57 and a Flair Tip '65. I like the EJ quite a bit, I find the Flair Tip to be super mild (maybe too mild for my tastes). I just got the Red Tip and haven't gotten to shave with it yet, maybe tomorrow morning I'll take it for a spin. :001_smile

Thank you for sharing!
A really good synthetic brush is the Kent Infinity Silvertex. I paid £12 for mine and rate it very highly for bowl lathering. And it's British.

Just got one of these today from the internet. Looks great. Try it out tomorrow. Cheers!
I find the Jack Black Performance brush the best synthetic the best of all, I have 3 Muhle a Simpson, and a Men - U as I only use synthetic brushes and for 85USD the jack Black is the best IMO

Hi All!,
Only been DE shaving for around 2 months and I'm on a roll!
This is my setup:
It's small and humble at present, but who knows what the future will hold!!!!

View attachment 334201

Razors from left to right:
1. EJ89 with Bulldog handle
2. Gillette Superspeed Red Tip 1955 (year I was born)
3. Merkur 38C Barber pole
4. Weber polished head with Bulldog handle......My best razor !!!!!!!
5. Merkur 1904

I know that I need a new brush.....I'm a veggie so I fancy one of those Muhle synthetic brushes....it's next on my list.
The bowl, by the way is from the Denby pottery UK.

Bought 2 small acrylic / perspex glass effect shelves on Ebay for under £17 the pair.
Marked out and drilled a few 20mm holes in one using a Arbor bit and hey presto!

When will it stop!!!! I must be going crazy!!!!
I'm even dreaming about shaving!!!!!
Happy Days :biggrin1:
That's a nice setup, and you have some quality stuff in there.

i didn't even buy another razor until after 5 months.
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