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My Hair . . . Comb-over vs. Cue-ball

This is a subject that comes up between my barber and me every other time I get a haircut. I am sort of bald on top but I comb my hair over and to my eye it looks OK in the mirror and even makes me look younger. Sort of the way I looked when my hair was actually in place. But, I saw myself from behind in another mirror, and I am bald in the back (top crown) where my normal mirror doesn't see . . . and the comb-0ver is looking thinner and thinner lately, with more and more scalp showing through. My barber tells me he regularly counsels his customers to get rid of the comb-over and go the natural cue-ball look. He says that after doing that, the men look younger .. . that the comb-over actually makes you look older. Have any of you ever faced this situation?

A second issue is that of power. I'm a business man and I sense that perhaps a comb-over projects an image of weakness . . . not comfortable with yourself. Whereas a natural cue ball (non comb-over) look projects an image of someone who is more comfortable with himself and hence worthy of more respect in the business world. Any thoughts you might have on this would be appreciated.
Umgowa, please believe me when I say that you dont want to be laughed at. i feel for your plight. I started losing my hair when I was 19 & 20. It was very notable by 24. I just kept cutting in shorter and shorter. About 5 years ago I started wet shaving my head also. I feel younger, cleaner, more confident. Unless you want to join the 70 & 80's fashion trend right now and really grow out the comb over then my advice is to cut it shorter. You'll feel better. I feel that short hair looks good until that point when you need a hair cut and it gets too pokey and wants to stand up. There are even great looking guys that just let the sides grow and embrace the bald top-Sean Connery for example. What color and type of hair do you have? Is there grey at the temples? Just thinking.
I don't want to be too harsh on you, but I think a combover looks silly. Ditch it and go with what nature gave you. Celebrate and take power over your cueball, rather than trying to hide it. One of my favourite expressions: if you can't get out of it, get into it!
Hi Umgowa,
This issue comes up a lot on my barbershop. We have men of all ages, with all sorts of hair patterns asking advice from the barbers. I can say, without a doubt, that once a gentleman decides to abandon the combover look he is much much happier. It's a shock at first, it's accepting the realization of something all men fear. The clients we have that decide to cut the hair short, really do look younger, and feel better.
But I gotta tell you (and I don't think im the only one here that thinks this), I feel that its much more noticeable that someone has thinning hair when they have a combover. My father in law had a HUGE combover for the first few years i knew him. It came from his sideburns all the way over the top and down to the other ear. It was always a concern for him, if the wind blew wrong or when he was playing with the grandkids and his hair got messed up... it was very embarrassing for him. He has cut it off and is much more confident, and looks like a million bucks.
I can't say that your situation will benefit cutting your hair short or not, but based on what you said regarding being a businessman, self image can be very important. When you are confident in yourself, others will be confident in you.
Look at Kevin O'Leary. One of the richest business investors out there and most people's first impression of him are not of his balding head. It's his confidence and knowledge. I really hope this helps you.
comb-over is not fooling any one.
I'm sorry really.
My best crew man and friend lost most of his hair in his twenty's. I saw his pain.
and his comb-over never fooled any of us ever.
I say go for the cut, It makes you look confident enough to deal with being bald.
It gives you that I'm bald so what look.
a comb-over makes you look like you can't deal with the fact that you are loosing your hair.
Hope this helps.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Or just cut it all off and be bald. :thumbsup:

"Don't ask the barber whether you need a haircut [or shave]". Daniel S. Greenberg
Yep, the comb-over must go. There is a middle ground here though between the dreaded comb-over and total cue ball. Some have already alluded to it. When my locks started to get too thin for my standard business cut, I went to a short clipper cut. I go with a number 3 guard on the sides fading to a number 6 on top. My scalp clearly shows through in the front and crown. No worries for me though. I accepted my top knot fate long ago and am quite comfortable with it. As I continue my march toward baldness, I will eventually go to a consistent #2 or #3 all over. (hey, good enough for Jason Statham and Patrick Stewart, good enough for me). The only real downside of this for me is there is too much hair present to put sunscreen on so I have to wear a hat if I'm going to be outside for any amount of time (which isn't really a downside).

As you mention, if you want to be perceived as confident then you need to project confidence. That means being comfortable in your own skin and playing the hand you've been dealt, male pattern baldness and all.
You can be like everyone else and cut it, or you can rock a skullet.


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The nice thing about headshaving is you can always let it grow back if you don't like it. I'm a new headshaver this year, and I have gotten lots of compliments- so I'm keeping the look for now!
I always wonder about the comb over and despite what I think is popular opinion, thinning hair guys just don't see it that way. I went from long hair down my back to bald with a thick beard and the baldness was so refreshing and wonderful. Granted I wasn't thinning or receding , but I liked it. And kept it for 2 years about. I only grew it out because i am lazy.

Embrace the cut. It's a legit step .

Let's see some before and after pics!
Never saw a comb over that looked good. My wife (daughter of a hairdresser) says that men look stupid with a comb over.
To me a comb-over just screams "issues dealing with reality". I started going bald in my mid 20's, back then I decided to shave it all off. I got quite a few compliments and stayed that way for several years. Now I'm in my 40's and I just have the barber go with a #2 on the clipper. I feel like I've earned the chrome dome, and gray hairs. On a business note, the comb-over comes across as a lack of confidence, IMO. You should do whatever makes you comfortable though.
Just cut the part that you are using to "comb over" much shorter. Nothing wrong with short hair where you have it and bare spots where you don't.
To tell you the truth, I don't think that anyone can tell you what you should do. Whatever makes you feel good, and you like, is all that should matter. You're the one who has to wear it, so do what you like, and don't worry what anyone else thinks.
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