This is a subject that comes up between my barber and me every other time I get a haircut. I am sort of bald on top but I comb my hair over and to my eye it looks OK in the mirror and even makes me look younger. Sort of the way I looked when my hair was actually in place. But, I saw myself from behind in another mirror, and I am bald in the back (top crown) where my normal mirror doesn't see . . . and the comb-0ver is looking thinner and thinner lately, with more and more scalp showing through. My barber tells me he regularly counsels his customers to get rid of the comb-over and go the natural cue-ball look. He says that after doing that, the men look younger .. . that the comb-over actually makes you look older. Have any of you ever faced this situation?
A second issue is that of power. I'm a business man and I sense that perhaps a comb-over projects an image of weakness . . . not comfortable with yourself. Whereas a natural cue ball (non comb-over) look projects an image of someone who is more comfortable with himself and hence worthy of more respect in the business world. Any thoughts you might have on this would be appreciated.
A second issue is that of power. I'm a business man and I sense that perhaps a comb-over projects an image of weakness . . . not comfortable with yourself. Whereas a natural cue ball (non comb-over) look projects an image of someone who is more comfortable with himself and hence worthy of more respect in the business world. Any thoughts you might have on this would be appreciated.