I've sworn to myself that I wouldn't ask for dating advice on an online forum, but I'm confused.
I met this gal online in October. We went out to dinner twice in a week then just chatted over text messaging until Thanksgiving, about 6 weeks. We planned stuff but life got in the way and things got canceled. Thousands of text messages went back and forth! For Thanksgiving, she was going to be alone, so I insisted she come w/ ma and I to lunch, and she did. She came to my house the next day for dinner and we've hung out pretty much every weekend since. Still chatting over text messaging through the week. Most of the time she comes to my house for me to cook and either go to a movie or watch a movie, but I took her to my company Xmas party and to a party at a buddy's house. We exchanged simple Xmas presents.
The most we've done is hug at the end of eat outing. No cuddling on the couch, no hand holding, none of that.
Here is where I'm confused. In October / early November when we were emailing / texting she told me "friends first," and to just relax. I was ready to just say whatever and go on with life, but I've kept talking to her because I think she's a pretty cool gal.
Over the past week, she's told me a couple times that she considers me to be a good friend now. Normally, this would be a bad thing, right? But, what about the previous paragraph?
I'll add a couple things that have me wondering and making me feel like it's now or never. She went to a football game last weekend with a guy that was her loan originator for her house a couple years ago. She lost her job a few days prior and he felt sorry for her, and he had a spare ticket.. She was at my house on Wednesday for dinner. Friday we were talking on the phone (a REAL rarity!) and she mentioned going out to dinner w/ him on Tuesday. Then today, Saturday, after lunch, on her Facebook some other guy posted something like, "hey you're a cheap date, hope you had fun because I did." And she responded, "that was a date? next time take me somewhere nice." And then today she also posted a picture on her Facebook of the football ticket guy w/ his arm around her - a week later! So that's two dudes just on her Facebook!
So I am at a point where I want to either file her away as a gal I know, or take her on a date. She's a nice enough person that I don't want to just file her away, and I also don't want to ruin our friendship.
I think what I need is for someone to tell me to just grow a pair and use the word "date" when asking about our next outing to make my intentions clear. She's coming over on Sunday for me to cook and watch a movie (we're going through the Saw series). I guess I fancy her enough to not want to ruin our friendship with the awkwardness if she says no. The thing is, I don't want to be the "other guy" and put her to in to a weird situation. Do I just say *** it and ask her knowing that whatever friendship will be ruined if it doesn't go my way? Nothing ventured, nothing gained? Is it too late and I just throw in the towel? So, what say ye B&B?
I met this gal online in October. We went out to dinner twice in a week then just chatted over text messaging until Thanksgiving, about 6 weeks. We planned stuff but life got in the way and things got canceled. Thousands of text messages went back and forth! For Thanksgiving, she was going to be alone, so I insisted she come w/ ma and I to lunch, and she did. She came to my house the next day for dinner and we've hung out pretty much every weekend since. Still chatting over text messaging through the week. Most of the time she comes to my house for me to cook and either go to a movie or watch a movie, but I took her to my company Xmas party and to a party at a buddy's house. We exchanged simple Xmas presents.
The most we've done is hug at the end of eat outing. No cuddling on the couch, no hand holding, none of that.
Here is where I'm confused. In October / early November when we were emailing / texting she told me "friends first," and to just relax. I was ready to just say whatever and go on with life, but I've kept talking to her because I think she's a pretty cool gal.
Over the past week, she's told me a couple times that she considers me to be a good friend now. Normally, this would be a bad thing, right? But, what about the previous paragraph?
I'll add a couple things that have me wondering and making me feel like it's now or never. She went to a football game last weekend with a guy that was her loan originator for her house a couple years ago. She lost her job a few days prior and he felt sorry for her, and he had a spare ticket.. She was at my house on Wednesday for dinner. Friday we were talking on the phone (a REAL rarity!) and she mentioned going out to dinner w/ him on Tuesday. Then today, Saturday, after lunch, on her Facebook some other guy posted something like, "hey you're a cheap date, hope you had fun because I did." And she responded, "that was a date? next time take me somewhere nice." And then today she also posted a picture on her Facebook of the football ticket guy w/ his arm around her - a week later! So that's two dudes just on her Facebook!
So I am at a point where I want to either file her away as a gal I know, or take her on a date. She's a nice enough person that I don't want to just file her away, and I also don't want to ruin our friendship.
I think what I need is for someone to tell me to just grow a pair and use the word "date" when asking about our next outing to make my intentions clear. She's coming over on Sunday for me to cook and watch a movie (we're going through the Saw series). I guess I fancy her enough to not want to ruin our friendship with the awkwardness if she says no. The thing is, I don't want to be the "other guy" and put her to in to a weird situation. Do I just say *** it and ask her knowing that whatever friendship will be ruined if it doesn't go my way? Nothing ventured, nothing gained? Is it too late and I just throw in the towel? So, what say ye B&B?