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My Gem Damaskeene with an OC!

$06-22-2012-Razors 005.jpg$06-22-2012-Razors 006.jpg$06-22-2012-Razors 007.jpg

This is my Damaskeene with a true open comb. Has anyone seen one of these before- I know I haven't.
Sorry about the quality of pics- but it took 45 minutes for me to upload these with my dial up internet!
A few members have this model. I do not. It doesn't come up very often. It looks very nice and I would love to try one! Congrats! How do you like it?
I have read that its really not more aggressive than the cc model which I like...if it bites you I will be happy to take off your hands. Nice razor btw.
These are quite rare beasts and surprisingly mild shavers.
Definite keepers,if you are lucky enough to find one.:001_cool:
I keep kicking myself fior passing up one up a while back as I really like my closed comb version. I even bugged Tom about it asking if such a thing even existed... sigh, live and learn.

Nice razor by the way!
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