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My flea market brush for travel

I have a couple of shaving brushes, my favorite right now is this dark haired no-name (thanks to Azza). It's about 100mm tall.

I travel a lot for work, and at a recent flea market I came across this tiny brush. I don't think it's a shaving brush, it's kind of soft but I have lathered up with it three times and it works great. Maybe it was some sort of makeup brush. Height is 70mm.

It's not exactly masculine, but now I have a travel brush.
I suppose if I was crazy I could hire someone to lathe me up a new handle and do a knot transplant.

I paid a quarter for the little one.
The dark one on the left was a "pay it forward" gift from Azza.
I am doing well in this hobby, only spent a little money on blades and a Mitchell's Woolfat soap from Kent.
I paid a quarter for the little one.
The dark one on the left was a "pay it forward" gift from Azza.
I am doing well in this hobby, only spent a little money on blades and a Mitchell's Woolfat soap from Kent.
This is justification to do more spending you know...:lol:
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