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My first Straight shave.good but awkward.

So this morning I shaved with my WhippedDog shave ready straight for the first time. First time ever with any straight. I completed a 3 pass shave (WTG/XTG/ATG) on all areas of my beard. My lather was as good as I could make it, which is pretty dang good with VDH and I usually keep re-adding more lather in trouble areas to buff out BBS after my 3rd pass. I couldn't quite get to BBS with the straight. But I didn't cut or nick myself at all. :w00t: I BBS'd with me DE to finish up. A couple of things though with the straight.

Obviously, my technique is not up to par.
I only held the straight in my right hand throughout the entire process as I also do this with DEs. Is this normal for shaving with a straight?
The handle and blade was very awkward to hold and accurately use in some instances. Like holding the razor in right hand to shave left side burn while tightening skin of left side burn with left hand. This put my razor hand right in my line of sight of my mirror so That I could not see what I WAS DOING!! It was pretty scary to work the blade on my face without seeing it. Any tips/hints on different ways to hold the blade when shaving in certain directions of different areas of the face that tend to be awkward at first?

Welcome to straight shaving.

It's recommended that you try and learn to straight shave with both hands. Gives you more options for getting good angles and different directions. Like you, I shaved with a DE using only my right hand and didn't think I could ever use my left for shaving. Now, it's nearly as useful as the right.

You had an impressive first shave. I didn't try agt strokes for at least two weeks and there was some bloodletting along the way.
Be assured that it gets less awkward with time. I've been at it for about 6 months now, and it's much better than it was. At one point I wondered if I'd want to wander back to DE, just to avoid the hassle, but not recently.

I shave one handed, and don't find it a problem. Do what works.
I had my first str8 shave on Sat. It feels great to shave with a straight. I tried 2 WTG passes and XTG pass and a few strokes ATG. No bloodshed and slight irritation. I really enjoyed it. Wasn't a great shave, but not bad for a first.

Congrats on your first straight shave as well. It's great to be part of the club.
Lots and lots of people shave with their dominant hand only.
I know some people who begrudgingly learned to be ambidextrous because they had crazy pattern on their neck.
Becoming ambidextrous, though, is pretty cool.
Many people don't do 3 passes. Just some combination of WTG and XTG with great results.
Honestly, I think you should do what's comfortable for you.

I think you being an experienced DE user really helped you out.
Most people have weepers and irritations on their first SR shave.
Sounds like a great start. I know I can't get the optimal results with a straight unless I use both hands to cover all the angles and areas. Once you do it a bit, you do get used to your left hand using the straight.

I even go 3 full passes and a touch up with the straight, just like I do with a DE.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I use only my right hand. I make a hole between thumb and forefinger to look through, when doing the left sideburn area. The rest I can see just fine. It will come to you. Use both hands, or use one hand. Either one can work just fine, but learning either method well, will take a little time. Hang in there and keep trying. It gets better and better.
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