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My first shave with WTG only

Shower first
Kyle's hot towel preparation, 2 minutes
Derby lemon (which prooves that Proraso is superior!)
2 minutes waiting after lathering

Blade: Feather, third use

Safety Razor: Lord Premium

Lots of hot water.

No nicks,
No irritation
No pain
No styptic pencil

Besides: I still have the scar of my first cut with Feather 18 days ago....

My opinion: not the closest shave, I have a heavy beard and no one will notice that the shave is not close enough. I will make a picture of WTG only and WTG with XTG to let you compare.
I went back and checked your other posts to sort of do a background check on you. You got some good advice in the other threads.

Nothing wrong with taking it slower, especially if that's all the shave you need or want on a daily basis. On the contrary, it's probably a very good idea. With practice, you'll slowly get more comfortable, and probably ease back into XTG. Remember there are 360 degrees to a circle, so you can easily work towards a 180 degree ATG pass one degree at a time, and at your own pace.

Just curious about how often you change blades, since you mention you have a thick beard. Do you notice a difference after a couple days? Only asking because I typically average two shaves before they start to get a little dull. Then again, only doing a couple of WTG passes, they'll last longer.
The original poster has the joy of using a "Lord Merkur Tech". I totally totally love mine. :biggrin::w00t::tongue_sm

As for the comment, that nobody will notice, that is an excellent point. The longer we hang out on this board, the more we seem to obsess over getting the prefect shave. That's great if it's for our benefit, or for our spouses benefit, but in all honestly most people we casually meet are not going to look at our faces long enough, or close enough to notice if our shave was not 100% perfect. :lol::lol:
As for the comment, that nobody will notice, that is an excellent point. The longer we hang out on this board, the more we seem to obsess over getting the prefect shave. That's great if it's for our benefit, or for our spouses benefit, but in all honestly most people we casually meet are not going to look at our faces long enough, or close enough to notice if our shave was not 100% perfect. :lol::lol:

Oddly enough, people may notice with me. I kept a beard for a long time and just started going clean shaven regularly again this summer. Many of my friends are just now seeing it for the first time, and one even randomly rubbed my face to check it out. :blushing: Of course most people will not have this experience.

Don't tell my girlfriend though! :eek:
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