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MY First OC

well this is my first OC, the R41 muhle

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yes , i made the bed, i have a little work shop, the R41 is a very close shaver, i pity someone who has small moles and sorts, i started with a astra sp, WOW, sweet blades, i need a couple of days growth for the real test, I think i am leaning to the bulldog handle the stock one is very light
yes , i made the bed, i have a little work shop, the R41 is a very close shaver, i pity someone who has small moles and sorts, i started with a astra sp, WOW, sweet blades, i need a couple of days growth for the real test, I think i am leaning to the bulldog handle the stock one is very light

The Bulldog handle makes the R41 near perfect...throw a SI or a black in there...pure shaving nirvana....
i have been shaving for over 35 years,, never thinking of it as fun, just something that needed to be done, from the military to my present job, I must say it has been an adventure since I joined this place, my PayPal sucks, but thats my fault, my self will needs to be tempered- this OC i can see from a partial shave (had to do it, you know) that this is one razor thats needs to be respected, very aggressive
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