Well, after checking out various threads and online how-to's, I headed to the local antique shop for a nice little glass container, and then to whole foods.
4 Oz bottle of pure grapeseed oil - 4.99
4 Oz bottle of pure sweet almond oil - 4.99
Extra virgin olive oil - Free, had it lying around. There has been some debate about whether EVOO is too thick and the right way to dilute it, or to scrap it altogether, or to use Pure OO instead. I love the smell of EVOO, and so I used it, albeit at this half-part quantity to lower the overall viscosity.
Grapefruit essential oil - 5.29
Total cost, just over 15 bucks.
2 Parts grapeseed oil
2 Parts almond oil
1 Part EVOO
6 drops of grapefruit essential oil
Man, this stuff has exactly the viscosity I was looking for. Doesn't gunk up the sink and leaves a slick coating on my face that easily comes off with hot water. A great shave. For a citrus lover, it smells fantastic, but doesn't interfere with the aroma of my creams. In fact it actually enhances my TOBS lime, AOS lemon, and TH Almond creams very well. I can use it liberally enough without hurting the wallet too. Who wants to pay 20.00 for 2oz of AOS preshave oil when my you can get approximately 10oz of your own for 15 bucks? More money for my recently purchased 6/8 Dovo Special Tortoise!
This also piqued my interest in making my own everyday AS and cologne.
The essential oils are fantastic, and relatively inexpensive.
4 Oz bottle of pure grapeseed oil - 4.99
4 Oz bottle of pure sweet almond oil - 4.99
Extra virgin olive oil - Free, had it lying around. There has been some debate about whether EVOO is too thick and the right way to dilute it, or to scrap it altogether, or to use Pure OO instead. I love the smell of EVOO, and so I used it, albeit at this half-part quantity to lower the overall viscosity.
Grapefruit essential oil - 5.29
Total cost, just over 15 bucks.
2 Parts grapeseed oil
2 Parts almond oil
1 Part EVOO
6 drops of grapefruit essential oil
Man, this stuff has exactly the viscosity I was looking for. Doesn't gunk up the sink and leaves a slick coating on my face that easily comes off with hot water. A great shave. For a citrus lover, it smells fantastic, but doesn't interfere with the aroma of my creams. In fact it actually enhances my TOBS lime, AOS lemon, and TH Almond creams very well. I can use it liberally enough without hurting the wallet too. Who wants to pay 20.00 for 2oz of AOS preshave oil when my you can get approximately 10oz of your own for 15 bucks? More money for my recently purchased 6/8 Dovo Special Tortoise!
This also piqued my interest in making my own everyday AS and cologne.
The essential oils are fantastic, and relatively inexpensive.