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My first DE shave. Any advice for the future?

I started shaving only a few years ago (I'm only 19), and really did not enjoy shaving with the fusion and canned soap, there was a lot of irritation and discomfort (also might be a catalyst for some of the acne I have). I could never get a BBS smooth shave even by GAT (I picked up the acronyms recently after reading the boards). SO I began doing some research a few weeks ago, I found mantics videos on youtube and looked into DEs and noticed Straight razors as well. I was really interested in using a straight razor (why not? its bad-*** and awesome)..I even went as far as posting here a week ago about where to get the kit in canada. But decided that the time it takes to learn and master it was too much for me currently, and the expense is pretty high for a student in uni.

Being from Canada, I found Fendrihan and ordered a basic EJ chrome lined 3-piece running about 40 CAD, and a sampler blade pack, styptic pen, and a cream+brush starter kit. Service was amazing and quick, any new purchases I make will be through this site.

So far I've only tried the Merkur blades. I also have Feathers, derby and astra.

Boy, what a difference, closest shave I've ever got by myself...and only one nick. I did three passes. with grain, across, and against. Takes a bit of getting used to, especially against the grain....i was feeling pretty edgy.

The sound of the blade slicing the hair is awesome. I totally enjoy shaving this way. Sometimes I felt like I wasn't cutting anything (my technique is still new)

Someday though, I will jump ship to the straight razor. Those of you who CAN switch to straight razors....why haven't you?

My question right now is how do you guys do the jaw line, its my toughest area (not just for shaving but for stubble also). Also, which blades of the four I have should give the best results. Of course, I understand that its personal preference...but from what I have read, feathers seem to give the closest shave. I'm just looking for a heads up on each of the blades. One more thing, I'm still trying to create a proper regimen to maintain my razor...so tips on cleaning them after each shave would be nice.

I'm glad I found this community, and thank you for the wealth of information.
Glad to have you here!

For me, the straight razor is something I may pursue further, and I've gotten about six shaves in on one, but I enjoy my DE shaves too much to make the switch...maybe one day!

The jawline can be tough. One thing to keep in mind is that beard growth patterns "swirl" a lot, so going South to North doesn't mean you are going ATG, for example. For me, this is very true on the neck and around the jaw and chin, so you have to have a mental map of what you are dealing with. Keep experimenting with different directions, skin stretching and types of strokes and you'll get there.

For cleaning, I do a simple rinse after a shave, and will hit a razor with Scrubbing Bubbles when it gets put away to await the next turn in the rotation.

Keep at it, you'll find some little techniques that work for you.
Congrats on discovering DE! I was in your boat and now love to shave every day. My neck has always been the hardest part for me to shave and not get irritation. I just always go WTG 2x on my neck, ATG just never quite seems to work our, for special shaves I go XTG, usually works out. To make the area flatter I look up and away from the side I am shaving.

Just hang it, you'll find little things that work for you, and some that don't probably too, don't let those discourage you.
Probably fun but I wouldn't enjoy the maintenance part of using straights.

You have plenty of company with your chin problem. Right now, I've only had success with angle and extra passes. For angle, I do the proper angle exercise and point my handle straight down, then, slowly point it forward (stroke is going toward the mirror) until it just reaches the the cutting angle.

For cleaning, I do a simple rinse after a shave, and will hit a razor with Scrubbing Bubbles when it gets put away to await the next turn in the rotation.

+1 for me.
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