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My Fat Boys arrived!

Picked up 2 fatboys, a superspeed and a travel razor on ebay, vendor was local so I picked them up this morning. Gonna see how they shave in comparison to the 1932 Pat. Canadian Tech I have been learning on. Still have a birthyear fatboy on its way, think I'll wait and have my inaugural shave with it earlier next year when we both turn 50. Got a slant on its way as well. Hmm as a newbie, could I possibly have developed RAD?
I suppose if you add in the two schick injectors, the Gillette flair tip,two open combs, a frankenrazor travel kit, the Gem Junior and the six straight razors I have, it's a reasonable start for a month in.
Let us know how you like them.

Just did a shave at a #4 setting with a derby blade. I shaved earlier today, but wanted to check this puppy out. Smooth shave, no irritation. I like the extra weight vs a Tech. Will play around with the settings. Cheeks are definitely BBS, neck area, well that is still a work in progress. Do folks change settings depending on where they are shaving on their face or neck?
Do folks change settings depending on where they are shaving on their face or neck?

I do 2 passes + touchups. N-S pass (~WTG) is at 3. S-N pass (~ATG) is at 4 or 5, depending on whether I'm 1 or 2 days out from my last shave. The hard part is remembering to re-set back to 3 at clean-up time... I'm trying to build this habit, but I can see why some guys find the single setting they like and just go with it... less hassle, nothing to remember.
Hope it helps,
-- Chet
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