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My DE Razor Storage Box!


I thought I would share my DE razor storage box and the razors I have within it. It has worked out very well for me so I thought I would share just in case others were looking for some sort of storage. The razors do not bounce around with travel and are protected from any external damage. Can anyone name the razors from this view?


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That looks like a great solution, I went with a wooden cigar box for mine (Gallery picture) as i dont move it around much.

I might look into that type of box for some of my other razors :)
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ATT Titan, Feather AS D1 (2?), ATT Atlas, EJ 89, iKon slant. I think! Nice collection and good use of the humidor. :thumbup:

Great guess! You are right. The Titan ATT is R1 and the Atlas ATT is M1 while the feather is AS-D2. I have one more stainless steel razor coming in to complete this "stainless box." It will take the spot of my EJ (which is obviously not stainless). I managed to find a seller with one iKon S3S available so I quickly bought it. I will re-post this boxed picture when it arrives. Probably next Tuesday after the holiday.
Thought I would update my finished box of stainless steel DE razors. My iKon S3S came in today and I love it! I found a random dealer with one left in stock!

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That is a Really Nice case, where can i get one ? Thanks for Sharing :eek:)

You can find one of these cases in any cigar shop usually. If you do not have access to a cigar shop, there are tons of these cases online, they are called Xikar Cigar cases. The smallest version holds five cigars and that is what I used. When/if you decide to use this as a storage box, you may need to add some extra heft to hold the razors from moving around. When I shut mine, I add a few strips of paper towel to make sure they do not bounce around with moving.
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