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My Christmas shave

My daughter gave me a VDH shave set for Christmas and I tried it out this morning. I really enjoyed using the brush and the soap, gave me a great shave. I used my 56 flair tip on the face with a Deby blade and my Schick injector, PIF'd by Leatherneck, on the dome. Followed up with a splash from my glass botted Old Spice. Great way to start the day.
I like it, VDH followed by Old Spice. Can't beat that!

Here's my Christmas shave: I like menthol and have been curious about Godrej Menthol Mist. My son surprised me with a tube of it on Christmas eve, and he outdid himself by also giving me a faux travertine razor handle, custom made by Bob's Razor Works. I had been looking for an extra handle, because about a month ago a very generous friend sent me a 11c Merkur open comb head. The Godrej was excellent, as was the razor head and handle combo.
Congrats! I had planned a leisurely shave today, but between putting together toys, cooking Christmas dinner and playing with my 2 1/2 year old, the shave never happened.

Ah well, tomorrow's shave will be that much better.
I never got around to shaving today either. Was out of town away from the family so why bother. Watched old Christmas movies all day!
Congratulations on the shave. Also nice shaving kit. May the New Year bring you many outstanding shaves. :c9:
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