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My battle w/ MRSA

I've been contemplating posting this for awhile now, but figured maybe it could help someone. Plus, I know we have folks here in the medical field and was hoping they could weigh in the situation.

Background: Beginning of November I get some weird looking ingrown hairs, but I'm concerned and go to the doctor. The nurse practitioner confirms folliculitis. Due to another, more pronounced ingrown hair very close to my neither regions she prescribes Cephalexin (sp?). I take the antibiotics and move on.

12/23: I go to Taekwondo for a 1.5 hr workout. While there I'm wearing my compression shorts and cup. I come home, put the kids to bed and shower.

12/24: I notice a bump on the inside of my left groin that I assume is an ingrown hair due to the rubbing from the previous night's workout.

12/25: Bump is slightly larger. No big deal as it's only slightly uncomfortable.

12/26: Notice an ingrown hair on the top of my right leg. I scratch it and think all is well. Bump on left side is larger, but no more uncomfortable.

12/27: Bump on left grown is larger and tender. I begin to think it's a hernia, but am not sure. Ingrown hair now has a bump and is red surrounding the area.

12/28: Make doctor appt for 3:45. I can barely stand my boxers touching the areas let alone anything else. It's painful to move. I go to the doctor and she tells me they have to be lanced and drained and that it might be a strep or staph infection.

Well, she gets ready to give me the local. She swabs both sides w/ an alcohol rub and I almost fall off the table. She then proceeds to give me the local. I've never told my vasectomy and complications story here, but lets just say this was so painful I'd rather have a shot to my nuts than go through this.

Now, the fun part. She lances them, drains them and packs them to keep them open. She prescribes Cephalexin again and Bactrum (in case it's MRSA). I leave at 4:55. Yep, 70 minutes in there and every minute of it sucked. I'm walking funny because my legs are sore and there's medical tape pulling across tender, thin skin and hair.

I shower later that night and remove the tape and bandages. Removing that tape was almost as painful as having the procedure. Let's just say that I'm a little more understanding to the ladies that get the Brazilian waxes.

12/29: Left side feels better, but right side is still swollen and the surrounding area is more red. Remove packing from both incisions.

12:30: Follow up appt w/ the doctor for an 8:15 appt. She takes one look at the right side and a severe look of concern comes over her face. It's even more red (size of a dinner plate) than the day before and now there is a second bump. She tells me she wants to refer me to a general surgeon because they see this type of thing more often. She's not sure if she needs to make the incision longer or a second incision. The culture results are not available yet.

I end up getting an appt w/ the general surgeon for 12:15. At this point I am absolutely sweating bullets because there is a real possibility it might be in my bloodstream and I might have to be hospitalized.

The surgeon looks at both areas and says the one on my groin is healing nicely. He says the incision on my right side is too small and he has to open it up. I'm freaking out because he's touching the area w/o gloves. He then proceeds to do the procedure and tells me hot water and soap is all that is needed to prevent the spread of it. He writes me a script to extend my bactrum for another three days and sends me on my way.

In addition, there is another small infection at the top of my shin on my right side. He decides not to do anything about that one because it is so small and says it should clear up w/ the anitbiotics.

12/31: Still hurts to walk and can't wear jeans yet.

1/1: Remove packing from right side and nearly pass out. Incision remains open and continues to seap.

1/2: Wound closing and finally can wear jeans.

1/3: Wound healing nicely. The pressure on the small infection on my shin has gotten to the point it's bothering me. I squeeze it and drain it in the shower.

1/4: Everything progressing.

1/5: I finally get the culture results w/ news that it was a moderate case of MRSA.

Here I sit today w/ incised wounds healing. There are bumps on both of them from scar tissue being formed. The infection at the top of my shin is healing, too. It's still hard and hurts, but nothing like before. I've been keeping a band aid on it since Sunday night.

I will be finishing the antibiotics tomorrow. Each night after I shower I towel off, wash my hands, throw the towels in the washer on hot and wash my hands again. I then dump boiling hot water all over the shower floor.

I am not too sure how I got it, but think it was from Taekwondo. I broke the skin across the knuckles on both feet a few weeks ago from kicking the heavy bag. I'm not sure I got it from that. The other is the fact of the rubbing and sweating from wearing the compression shorts w/ the cup. One last possibility is that I got it just from changing in the locker room. I'm not sure, but it certainly sucks.

I'm certainly glad I went to the doctor to have things looked at. Part of what prompted the visit is that I jammed a screw driver into my hand on Sunday morning. It had been some time since I had a tetanus shot so I figured I'd get one at the doctor. The tetanus shot was the least painful part of the visit.
Wow, that sounds absolutely awful. I'm very sorry you had to go through this but very happy that you are ok.

Thanks for posting that - it's a good reminder to get things checked promptly if you think there's a problem.

glad you're on the mend, worst thing that ever happened to me in TKD was a hook kick to the eye!
hope everything clears up 100% for you soon
Well I am really glad you were proactive about seeing physicians. Good to hear that you have rounded the corner so to speak, I hope you get back to top shape here in a bit.
If I may add to yer issue..I also was injured on both my pinky fingers..one was a hairline fracture..the other was BAD...compound Bone fracture..bone chipped off where the joits meet n pushed up..2 months of physical therapy..wasn't fun AT ALL but better than packs of ice forever!
Man, you are lucky. MRSA is N-A-S-T-Y stuff! Especially in THAT area :blink:
It would seem the the most likely culprit was indeed your martial arts place. A lot of this is spread through contact sports as well as the equipment used by them.
My brother-in-law and his two sons have had MRSA for a year and a half now, and they describe going through the same thing you describe here. However, they can't seem to permanently shake it; they each get it at different times, then it clears up and they think it's gone. Then it comes back. It's been putting all of them through hell.

Have they given you the nose drops to take? MRSA has been found to reside in the nose and it requires special drops to hit it where it likes to hide. Check with your doctor if they haven't.

Good luck and let us know how it all turns out!
I'm guessing you probably did this already, but if not, contact the martial arts gym and tell them you recently contracted MRSA and that it would be wise to sanitize the place.

My uncle got it this past summer on his elbow and the hospital care was HORRIBLE. He told a nurses assistant that his wound needed to be cleaned and the person grabbed a previously used wash cloth to do the task (he immediately stopped them before they could use it)! I was appalled that something so contagious was being dealt with in such a lax manner by the one place that is supposed to use the most care. Combine that with the prohibitive nature of health insurance companies and it's no wonder these kinds of things are floating around all over.
Ditto Mr. Amazing's post. You have to feel the responsibility of calling your instructor and notifying them of your issues. You may be suffering because someone else previous to you FAILED to take that action. I'm sure they do routine sort of cleaning, but a thorough sanitization will make everyone feel better... and of course, not forgetting the locker room and towels, etc etc...

Also, thanks for the post. I work in public health and yet I've never read such a detailed account of an MRSA infection. Really appreciated it myself and I'm sure others do as well. Great post!
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I will be finishing the antibiotics tomorrow. Each night after I shower I towel off, wash my hands, throw the towels in the washer on hot and wash my hands again. I then dump boiling hot water all over the shower floor.

I am not too sure how I got it, but think it was from Taekwondo. I broke the skin across the knuckles on both feet a few weeks ago from kicking the heavy bag. I'm not sure I got it from that. The other is the fact of the rubbing and sweating from wearing the compression shorts w/ the cup. One last possibility is that I got it just from changing in the locker room. I'm not sure, but it certainly sucks.

I'm certainly glad I went to the doctor to have things looked at. Part of what prompted the visit is that I jammed a screw driver into my hand on Sunday morning. It had been some time since I had a tetanus shot so I figured I'd get one at the doctor. The tetanus shot was the least painful part of the visit.

Glad to hear you are healing up ok. We can thank the recent MRSA outbreaks from the overuse of systemic antibiotics which many people seem to demand of their doctors even for colds and the flu. I hope more people start to realize this connection.

Its really hard to say whether you got it at your martial arts training or somewhere else, but you are doing good to wash your hands frequently. Its quite possible you might also have it in your nostrils. It tends to colonize in there and serve as a nidus for future infections. So on your next doctor follow up after you are totally off antibiotics, you should get a nasal culture swab.

If you have nasal colonization, you can usually control it by putting some mupirocin ointment in your nares three times a week. Your current culture results should verify whether your MRSA is sensitive to this.

Good luck

I wanted to update this concerning the turn of events since Friday morning.

After my last check up everything was looking fine. Things healed fine. I had the doctor do a nasal swab to check if I was a carrier. The culture came back negative. She also prescribed Clindimycin(sp?) as a topical in case it looked like I was developing another infection. I used it sparingly over other areas where it seemed I might get an infection.

Anyway, Friday morning I wake up w/ a sharp throbbing pain in my butt. I feel it and it's firm and I know it's not your typical ingrown hair. I squeeze it (big mistake I now know) hoping for some relief and apply my topical. It only gets more and more sensitive as the day progresses. By the end of the day I'm 100% sure I'm getting another infection.

Saturday morning I go to the ER since my doctor's office is not open. The ER doctor looks at it and tells me it's not ready to lance. Not exactly what I was hoping to hear. She tells me warm compresses 3-4X's daily for 20-30mins while it develops. She also prescribes Bactrim for me.

Sunday it gets even more sensitive. It hurts to walk, but more to sit. On top of it the Bactrim is giving me a major headache. This is wonderful because my in laws are coming to visit and I'm feeling less than in an entertaining mood. I notice late in the evening I am warm. I'm now running a fever of 99.5. I decide to roll the dice and wait until Monday to seek more medical attention.

Here I am today, my fever is now 100.5 and I'm waiting for my doctor's office to open so I can make an appointment. I'm hoping it's ready to be lanced and drained. I'm also hoping admission to the hospital for an IV antibiotic does not need to happen, but I'm not holding my breath on that since I'm running a fever.

Wish me luck.
Here I am today, my fever is now 100.5 and I'm waiting for my doctor's office to open so I can make an appointment. I'm hoping it's ready to be lanced and drained. I'm also hoping admission to the hospital for an IV antibiotic does not need to happen, but I'm not holding my breath on that since I'm running a fever.

Wish me luck.

Being a diabetic, with a terrible aversion to doctors, I have had a couple of bouts with MRSA. The one medication that has ALWAYS worked for me, and quickly, is called Zyvox. It is insanely expensive, but it is an oral medication, no iv or hospital needed. You should ask about this before you go into a hospital which are breeding grounds for MRSA. I now keep a supply of Zyvox on hand just in case.

Sometimes, hyperbaric oxygen treatment is very helpful for the infections, especially if it gets deep. Hopefully you won't nee that. With all of the female doctors you seem to encounter, I have a feeling you do not live in the U.S., so if my assumption is correct, I don't know how available hyperbaric is where you live.

As far as disinfecting your shower, towels or anything else, forget boiling water--Clorox--kills everything.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with this unfortunate problem.
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As far as disinfecting your shower, towels or anything else, forget boiling water--Clorox--kills everything.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with this unfortunate problem.

10% solution of chlorine bleach in plain water. Apply liberally. That's what is recommended in the USA by the CDC.

Sorry for your infection, we're working through an infection with my son. Got an abscess on the bottom of his heel, made it almost impossible for him to walk. So far, though, it doesn't seem to have spread to the rest of his body, but we got him in FAST. MRSA FTL:cursing:
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