So today I was going to get my hair cut at my usual hair salon when I began thinking about B&B and how I really should be looking for a barber. I remembered a barbershop that I'd passed a couple of times. I decided I would give them a try. I called in advance to make sure the price was reasonable. It was.
When I got there, the barber was facing the mirror filling out some paperwork, and I asked him if he had time to do a haircut. He said he certainly did and proceeded to seat me in the old type barber chair he had in the center of the room. Before he even asked me about my hair, he asked me my name, and introduced himself as Leroy. He then asked me what my haircut desires were, and I told him a 3 on the sides and back, and finger length on top. He understood and went about his work.
While he was cutting my hair, I looked over at one of the walls, and he had a display case with a couple of Fatboys, Slims, BBs, Flaretips, 40s SS, and some schick injectors. He also had some Gillette blue blade packages in there. I made the comment that he had quite the collection, and he proceeded to tell me about how it took him two years to put that collection together. Apparently he cleaned out all the antique shops here in town, and then went to Southern California to shop there some. His wife even helped him find some of the stuff. That was about the extent of our conversation on Safety razors. I also noticed about four vintage strops hanging on the walls.
It was coming to the end of my haircut, and we had talked about his buisness, why he opened up, how he had another barber in his shop for a while, and numerous other topics. He then began digging around in his bright blue barbicide jar, and pulled out a shavette, then using his hot lather machine lathered my neck and cheeks. It was pretty luxurious. He then shaved my neckline, and gave me the closest shave on my cheeks I have ever had. There was a slight tingling expirience afterwards. Then he pulled out the large bottle of Bay Rum, applied it to my neck and cheeks, and then proceeded to dust my hair neck and cheeks with Talc.
I have to say I enjoyed my barbershop expirience, and will definitely be going back to see Leroy again.
When I got there, the barber was facing the mirror filling out some paperwork, and I asked him if he had time to do a haircut. He said he certainly did and proceeded to seat me in the old type barber chair he had in the center of the room. Before he even asked me about my hair, he asked me my name, and introduced himself as Leroy. He then asked me what my haircut desires were, and I told him a 3 on the sides and back, and finger length on top. He understood and went about his work.
While he was cutting my hair, I looked over at one of the walls, and he had a display case with a couple of Fatboys, Slims, BBs, Flaretips, 40s SS, and some schick injectors. He also had some Gillette blue blade packages in there. I made the comment that he had quite the collection, and he proceeded to tell me about how it took him two years to put that collection together. Apparently he cleaned out all the antique shops here in town, and then went to Southern California to shop there some. His wife even helped him find some of the stuff. That was about the extent of our conversation on Safety razors. I also noticed about four vintage strops hanging on the walls.
It was coming to the end of my haircut, and we had talked about his buisness, why he opened up, how he had another barber in his shop for a while, and numerous other topics. He then began digging around in his bright blue barbicide jar, and pulled out a shavette, then using his hot lather machine lathered my neck and cheeks. It was pretty luxurious. He then shaved my neckline, and gave me the closest shave on my cheeks I have ever had. There was a slight tingling expirience afterwards. Then he pulled out the large bottle of Bay Rum, applied it to my neck and cheeks, and then proceeded to dust my hair neck and cheeks with Talc.
I have to say I enjoyed my barbershop expirience, and will definitely be going back to see Leroy again.